Friday, October 31, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

Vision is more than eyesight and it's cultivated from the inside out. As in a yoga pose our body follows our gazing point or drishti, so off the mat our life follows our vision. It's important then to look where we truly want to go even if it seems unattainable in the moment. An expansive vision creates an expansive life. So go ahead, close your eyes, look inside, and see what you can't see with the eyes open. Do this often and consistently. Then watch your life follow suit.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga #dailylightwave #vision #visionary
#innervision #drishti #expansion #yoga #yogi #yogachallenge #yogaeveryday #trailyoga #insight #lookwithin #outerfollowsinner

Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

I know today's message doesn't always feel true, but I think it is. Time is a relative mental construct. While we adhere to it in order to function in society, we don't have to let it limit our lives. The yoga sutras speak of time slowing down and the Self of all selves being unlimited by time. The bible compares one day to a thousand years when thought is connected to divinity. We all experience periods where time feels like it's moving fast or slow. It's totally a matter of perspective. Think of the 5 year old piano virtuoso or the 80 year old who starts a bachelors degree program. One of my biggest inspirations, Albert Einstein, wrote: "...for us believing physicists, the separation between past,present, and future is only an illusion, although a convincing one." Even at that level of understanding the illusion of time was a "convincing one!" It takes alertness not to be a slave of time. One simple way is to begin noticing all the ways time is an excuse or a reason to do or not do something. Just being aware if this will change your relationship to time and begin  to set you free. You might find yourself making different choices and experiencing life in a more spontaneous way. Fun and freedom expand as time loses its grip on us.

Time can't limit you. Only your beliefs about and relationship to time can limit you.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #beyondtime #timeless #infinite #malasana #yogisquat #oaktrees #trailyoga #yogachallenge #Einstein #yogasutras #ancientwisdom #spontaneousinspiration #bible #scripture #eastmeetswest

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

Einstein wrote, "We can't solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." And a very talented and progressive life coach, Michelle Colt, often poses this question, "What would be wrong with this moment if you weren't thinking about it?" Ideas like this and my own experience inspired today's message. The image shows my hands in Hakini mudra. Mudras are one gateway into higher states of consciousness where we transcend brain level thinking. Brain level or survival mind awareness actually derives its value through creating problems to solve and then tricks us into believing it can solve them. Unfortunately this is not the case and until we transcend thought-forms we might find ourselves trapped in a prison of our own making trying to get out with the wrong key. Maybe mudras aren't your thing. Maybe it's prayer, meditation, connection to a guru, or time in nature. The process is less important than the result. Life is much more fluid and free with the support of practices like this that expand our awareness of what's possible and help us to progress.

You can't think your way out of a prison created by thought.

Hakini mudra: for concentration, memory, and wholeness. Fingertips press into each other, palms apart. Practice for up to 45 minutes. Gaze focused at 3rd eye center. Lift tongue to roof of mouth on inhale, let the tongue fall back on the exhale. Take deep breaths in and out through the nose.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

Camatkarasana, often referred to as wild thing or rock star pose, can be translated as ~ the ecstatic unfolding of the enraptured heart.

An open heart needs an open mind to fulfill it's calling.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #camatkarasana #wildthing #openmind #openheart #trailyoga #yogi #yoga #anahata #ajna

Monday, October 27, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave

How many times have you told someone about some awesome venture you're embarking upon only to have them respond with all the reasons you shouldn't do it or all the bad things that might happen if you do? Regardless of how well-meaning these precautions are, they can plant seeds of doubt that keep us from moving forward. The biggest naysayer is usually our own mind, so the last thing we need is another person adding their own opinions to the mix. Often people unconsciously plant doubt in others because the contrast of someone living an expansive life make the excuses that hold them back less valid. The important thing is to be alert first about who we share our dreams with, and secondly to how we respond to the feedback we get. Also, remember not to be a naysayer for someone else. Even if doubts come up or precautions when someone shares what they're plans are, rarely should those be verbalized. Keep them to yourself and leave that individual free to act as they are guided. Chances are they will prove you wrong. Each one's destiny is between them and their own heart, the seat of deepest truth (satya), and nothing is worth betraying that. Hold any naysayers in your life in a loving attitude and move forward for them (to inspire and uplift) rather than against them.

Beware of the naysayers and bless them on their way, but never let their opinions deter you from your destiny.

(Yoga pose: Skandasana. Pose of the War God, Skanda. One of my favorites and a preparation for Eka Pada Sirsasana (one leg behind the head pose).

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #downwithnaysaying #followyourheart #intuitionrules #destiny #trailyoga #oaktrees #natureinspires #liveyourlife #innerguides #yoga #yogi #skandasana #ekapadasirsasanaprep #yogachallenge #satya #niyama

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

Weaning from the gross to the
subtle begins with noticing the
space between objects,
silence between sounds,
stillness between movement,
emptiness between thoughts,
& pauses between the breath.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #detachment #subtlesense #pratyahara #dhyana #dharana #samadhi #lotus #twist #halfboundlotustwist #parivrttapadmasana #kumbhaka #practice

Saturday, October 25, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

To me, nothing embodies the consciousness of deflection like exalted or peaceful warrior pose (viparita virabhadrasana). Peaceful warriors understand how to send off course an arrow aimed to harm ~ whether mental, verbal, or physical. Rather than engaging or fighting, the spiritual warrior deflects in such a way that the negativity being directed at him or her loses its intended power and dissolves. This power must be cultivated by all who wish to be peace makers. Because the body and mind are one, having a pose like exalted warrior as part of your repertoire is one way you can access the mindset of deflection when you need to.

Spiritual warriors are highly skilled at the art of deflection.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #deflectnegativity #deflection #psychologyofasana #viparitavirabhadrasana #exaltedwarrior #peacefulwarrior #spiritualwarrior #yoga #yogi #peacemaker #beattitudes #jesus #asanametaphors #trailyoga #natureinspires

Friday, October 24, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

Could you imagine a world where everyone was scrambling to do more good instead of hustling to gain more power or things? What a difference! I'm convinced that many of the troubles we face individually and collectively today are the result of a diminished value on service. A sort of hypnotic narcissism has crept into human consciousness convincing us that happiness comes as the result of egoic satisfaction - an oxymoron at best - for the ego is never satisfied. No praise, possession, or personal achievement brings lasting satisfaction. Whereas the quiet fulfillment that arises from selfless service brings a wealth that cannot be measured or stolen. If you're feeling depressed, discontent, or stressed, ask where your service is needed and follow the answer. See what happens. I know it will be GOOD!

What if wealth was measured by good works rather than possessions?

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #servicecenteredlife #bramacharya #nonexcess #restraint #aparigraha #nonpossessiveness #santosha #contentment #standingmarichyasana #trailyoga #yogi #yamas #niyamas #tencommandments #grace #yogachallenge #bhaktiyoga

Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

In the yoga sutras there's a concept called pratipaksha bhavanam. Simply put it's means to exchange the negative for the positive. It's a way of mastering the unruly survival mind's well-intentioned focus on negativity. What I'm realizing is that the negative can only seem to exist as a shadow side to the positive. Negation has no life of its own, but rather exists solely to negate the positive. This is so helpful to remember when the mind is trying to take us down a tailspin of negativity. Instead of going along for the ride, we can see it as a sign of the positive flow that's already there. Then we use it to focus our mental energy on the positive, to bring it to the surface, and magnify it. Then we become part of creative flow by mastering the mind.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #pratipakshabhavanam #positiveovernegative #masterthemind #yogajedi #yogachallenge #therealyogachallenge #yogahappensinthemind #yogicpath #yoga #oneleggedchairpose #seatedpigeonpose #trailyoga #hipopener

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

Whenever I have the opportunity to help someone, I remember today's message. To actively relieve suffering is a step beyond the yogic yama or universal moral principle of "ahimsa," meaning"do no harm." It's in alignment with the biblical parable of the good Samaritan - helping another for no reason and no reward other than to help them. I find a satisfaction in this like no other. I guess that makes sense considering we are all connected. The good I'm doing for another I'm doing also for myself.

Nothing feels better than making someone else feel better.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #ahimsa #relivesuffering #goodsamaritan #yama #universal #dogoodfornoreason #yogicpath #universaltruth #trailyoga #yoga #helpothers

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

It doesn't have the be complicated, but I notice in the subtlest of ways that when I shift my body, my mind moves too. Bodymind is a word used by some modalities to express the actual oneness of the body and mind. This explains why one effects the other so poignantly - because they are different aspects of the same thing, one gross and one subtle.One of the coolest things about the expanded vocabulary of movement we gain through an as an a practice is that we have a lot more shape shifting options! One of the first pieces I had published explores this idea. You can find it here:

When I shift the shape of my body, I shift the shape of my mind.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #asana #shapeshifting #consciousmovement #bodymind #bodymindspirit #yogachallenge #yoga #yogi #yogaeveryday #yogaforlife #psychologyofasana

Monday, October 20, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

Today's message is inspired by yesterday's sunset yoga hike. Being out there in the open space and practicing in our yoga studio in the sky literally and figuratively takes the lid off. What a beautiful experience all the way around. And we had our youngest yoga hiker ever, 5 years old! He was an inspiration to everyone ~ carried his own mat and everything. Incredibly grateful to be doing what I love and offering it in service to others. It's a new day and it's wide open.

This day is a wide open space for progress!

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #gratitude #outdooryoga #yogaoutdoors #hike #yogahike #inspiration

Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

I find today's message to be true. Whenever I remember to notice my breathing pattern in any given moment, I find it's a direct reflection of my state of mind. Is my breath shallow, staccato, uneven, fast or is steady, rhythmic, slow, and deep? The former patterns tend to represent mental gripping, fear, worry; whereas the latter indicate more expansive states of consciousness. The cool thing is that the mind also reflects the breath. So if I simply change the way I'm breathing, I change the way I'm thinking... I shift the vibrational tone of my mind. The key is remembering to notice my breath and that takes practice. Creating specific time for moments of conscious breathing ~ even 5 minutes a day will change your life. Try it. Steady even breath equals a steady even mind.

The quality of your breath always reveals the quality of your mind.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #pranayama #breatheinbreatheout #breathe #breathoflife #practice #bodymind #prana #lifeforce

Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

Non-attachment (vairagya in Sanskrit), letting go, trust... all counter intuitive to the human psyche. Still the blessings that come from letting go are so big that it's worth it to cultivate this ability. Real expansion can only take place on the verge of not-knowing and this is very uncomfortable to survival mind. This is why it takes an element of trusting faith to move beyond the boundary of the known, to let go of that rope so to speak. But be assured, the net of newness is always there to catch us!!! So let's have he courage to open our hands and hearts and let go. Let the expansion begin!

Expansion begins at the end of your rope. So the next time you're at the end of your rope, LET GO.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #expansion #letgo #nonattachment #vairagya #halfmoonvariation #yogalife #yogi #yogaoutdoors #yogachallenge #expansion #trust #ardhachandrasana

Friday, October 17, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave

Climbed up into a rock crevice on one of my favorite trails yesterday #chinaflat and received today's message. Love #doublepigeon  #firelogpose or #agnistambhasana with #eaglearms ... #garudasana arms. Your niche is waiting for you!

Here's the breakdown of double pigeon in Sanskrit:

Agni = fire
Stambha = statue, stack, or pillar
Asana = pose

The universe holds a special niche for each and everyone of us; and that's a beautiful thing.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#dailylightwave #hybridasana #yogalife #yogachallenge #yoga #yogi #outdooryoga #trailyoga #natureteaches #natureinspires

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave

Climbed up into a rock crevice on one of my favorite trails yesterday #chinaflat and received today's message. Love #doublepigeon  #firelogpose or #agnistambhasana with #eaglearms ... #garudasana arms. Your niche is waiting for you!

Here's the breakdown of double pigeon in Sanskrit:

Agni = fire
Stambha = statue, stack, or pillar
Asana = pose

The universe holds a special niche for each and everyone of us; and that's a beautiful thing.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#dailylightwave #hybridasana #yogalife #yogachallenge #yoga #yogi #outdooryoga #trailyoga #natureteaches #natureinspires

Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave

Ever notice how looking up at the sky changes your perspective immediately? When I was living in Manhattan, surrounded by tall buildings, I noticed it was easy to forget there was a sky up there. I made it a habit to look up often to remind myself there was a bigger picture ~ way bigger than the tallest sky scraper. Now that I get to spend a lot of time outside in open space, I'm still in awe of the perspective-changing power of the sky. Being out under the sky literally takes the lid off and invites me to consider new possibilities. That ocean of blue above us is an invitation to see things in fresh ways, to take off our self or other-imposed limits, and live our greatest potential. Yes all that. If you're reading this perhaps you'll spend some time under the sky today. You'll be glad you did!

The sky is not the limit. The sky is the invitation.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
##dailylightwave #opensky #natureteaches #natureheals #sky #yogaoutdoors #yogalife #yogachallenge #yogahike

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave

Today's message comes compliments of the trail, where I get my best inspirations. I thought astvakrasana (8 angle pose) would be a nice pairing since the numeral eight represents infinity. It's obvious that there is no oneness at the level of five-sense awareness. It takes inward-direct consciousness to recognize oneness. In yogic philosphy this awarenes of oneness is called Samadhi -- it's yoga's eighth limb. It takes practice, consistent practice, to approach this awareness. The practice is mainly about dispelling illusions. Remembering that, we don't have to make oneness so; we just have to train our awareness to recognize it. This is "beyond-the-brain" thinking for sure! And this understanding does impact the physical realm, enveloping it in the over-arching unity of Life. Relationships adjust, discord dissolves, and inner peace is more readily available. Oh what a relief to feel the already present interconnectedness of everything.

It's not my job to create oneness. It's my job to disengage from the belief in separation.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#astavakrasana #eightanglepose #oneness #trailyoga #thankyoumountain #yogi #yogalife #yogaeveryday #samadhi #practice #outdooryoga

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Watch this and tell me you don't want to be with us this Sunday! 3pm.
Meet at the trailhead. All details at:
Remember - yoga mat with carry strap or bag, water, long sleeves
$20 Single
$35 2 from same household

$10 teens

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave

Today's message is especially helpful when the rewards for our work aren't evident in compensation, acknowledgement, or recognition. To recognize that abundance is an energy of expression rather than a state of accumulation, can keep us happily active in our purpose. In those times we keep trusting no matter what.

All I have is what I give.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #giving #gratitude #yogi #lifeofservice #trust #purpose #donotquit #donotturnback

Photo credit Roy Dunn

Monday, October 13, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave

Photo by Roy Dunn.

Perhaps my favorite shoulder opener. It makes the perfect impression for optimal shoulder alignment, creating muscle memory that you can take into other poses. I also love how it really inspires fully energizing the hands, which inspired today's Daily Lightwave! Thank you #cactuspose!

Hands symbolize spiritual power. Let your hands remind you of the spiritual power that moves to you, through you, and as you.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #spiritualpower #spiritualsense #healinghands #cactusarms #yogaoutdoors #yoganature #yogachallenge #yogaeveryday #handsoflight

Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave
(photo credit ~ Roy Dunn

Let your inner gaze seek and settle on that which your mind says is impossible, but your soul knows is inevitable.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #dhyana
#dharana #samadhi #innerknowing #innervision #focus #intention #trust #samasthiti #yogalife #yogaoutdoors #trailyoga #eightlimbs #thesoulknows #yogachallenge

Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

I'm realizing lately that the sounds of my thoughts coming and going are no more mine or me, than the sound of an airplane flying over head or a baby crying. With practice it's possible to dis-identify with that inner noise as much as we do outer noise. What happens in those moments, is a silence where a deeper voice can be heard. Some call it the divine voice within, Truth, God, essence, noble nature, intuition, etc. Whatever name we give it, it's a goldmine of insight, guidance, inspiration, and healing. And it's always there, which is so cool! The problem is we forget. Consistent practice - even if we don't feel like we connect to it every time we sit to meditate, or walk in nature, whatever our chosen path is - reminds us and ensures that in a time of need, the awareness of that connection will be there for us. Today, tune out of your mind, and tune into yourself. If we all do that persistently, the world will be a different place.

Only in silence can the inaudible sound be heard.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave#voicewithin #intuition #practice #meditate #crescentpose #garudasana #anjaneyasana#hybridasana #crescentposewitheaglearms #trailyoga #natureinspires #tunein #beyondthoughts #youarenotyourthoughts #divinevoicewithin #inspiration

Friday, October 10, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

Yoga vs. gymnastics is a really interesting line of inquiry these days. Inversions as part of an overall yoga practice are a powerful way to transcend mental and physical limitations. Being upside down is a perspective changer for sure and gives a great sense of dominion. But I think it's important to really know whether you're practicing gymnastics (a highly competitive sport, originating in Greece, based on physical feats of achievement) or yoga (a breath-centered practice, originating in India, geared toward the attainment of higher consciousness). I love seeing all the gorgeous photos and videos as much as anyone. I find them very inspiring, and I don't claim to be any judge of what a real yogi is. It's just that with so much focus on inversions these days, I think it's important to raise these questions and make empowering distinctions for ourselves as to whether we're headed down the pathway we intended. If it's aligned with your deepest truth, whether it's yoga or gymnastics, then go for it! Just know what you're choosing -- that's the crucial thing. If you're interested in exploring this topic a little further, see my piece on Breaking Muscle:

The ability to do a handstand doesn't mean you're a yogi. The inability to do a handstand doesn't mean you're not a yogi.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #handstandmania #realyogi #yogavsgymnastics #yogaeveryday #8limbs #higherconsciousness #examine #perspectivechange #upsidedown #yogalife #yogachallenge

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

More difficult to master than the most challenging yoga pose, are stillness and conscious breathing.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #pranayama #stillness #yogaeveryday #consciousbreath

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

It's one thing to live consciously for 90 minutes. It's another to live consciously for an entire day and beyond. All the places where our body is dull, weak, tense, or agitated is a result of disconnection or lack of awareness. If I were aware of where my body was dull or overly tense I would correct it. So the mind has to awaken! Even as I type this I'm constantly reversing the tendency I have to round in the shoulders. Several years ago I wouldn't have had the mental alertness to do that. By cultivating mindfulness, we really can become our own physician - especially with the refined awareness of how every bodily function is the direct result of a conscious or unconscious thought. The more we can bring the lessons learned on our mats, into our lives, the better. I say this a lot, but it's so true ~ awareness is everything. The blind spots are where habit takes us over. But through feeling the body-mind connection, even oneness - bodymind - we will live a level of presence that takes us beyond our habits. Be patient along the way, remembering it  is a practice.

The real practice begins when you step off the yoga mat.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #practice #offthemat #yogaeveryday #bodymind #presence #awareness

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Daiky Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

No one has ever done the same yoga pose twice. Yes, we have names for poses that create an outline or guide, but the dynamics of the pose are different every time. Asana, as one of the eight limbs of yoga, is a gateway into self-realization. When the practice of asana is done from memory and habit, or even to attain a perfect pose, it gets stuck in the finite world of form and loses it's potential for self discovery. The purpose of yoga has never been a perfect pose, but a perfect (or quiet) mind. Where the body is tense, hyper-mobile, or dull is a direct reflection of the mind. When we practice with alertness, and breath, these places find balance, and harmony is restored. That's the perpetual gift of asana. Without that level of presence, asana becomes gymnastics at best and harmful at worst.

A yoga pose is not a finite shape in form. It's an open ended opportunity for self-reflection and self-realization.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #yogaeveryday #asana #yoga365 #selfrealization #selfreflection #pratyahara #dhyana #dharana #samadhi #yogachallenge #pranayama #realyoga

Monday, October 6, 2014

Tge Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

Here I am in one of my favorite shoulder openers. It helps me retrain an area of my body that has a longstanding build up of holding and rounding. This tendency follows me into every pose, not to mention off the mat as well. Yesterday I studied with a masterful teacher who helped me see I've really been letting this issue come along for the ride rather than really addressing it full-on in all the ways it shows up in my practice (and in my life). This kind of work is very uncomfortable and takes a courage because the physical is only the gross layer of the emotional, mental, spiritual component it represents - the psychic fear, survival panic, trauma that initiated the pattern will be confronted and that can be scary, but what else is there really?  This is the journey I want to facilitate for my students and I can only do that with integrity by walking that path myself. This involves a willingness to step back, do things differently, rather than make poses look pretty from the outside. Ego and habit will fight these endeavors and try to steal the blessings they bring, but with persistent patience, they will eventually give up, and the self will break free of their chains.

The only thing I have to teach is what I learn and embody.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #teach #embody #restorativeyoga #shoulderopener #karmicknots #oldpaterns #samskara #release

Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

Ventured out this morning at dawn to take this picture at Palo Comado, my favorite nearby trail. The first light and birds singing reminded me of something I've been thinking a lot about lately ~ yoga's purpose and the tendency toward escapism rather than real self connection in the fast-paced world of vinyasa flow. In a crowded class with loud music, it's easy to just let your tendencies run amok. To me this defeats the purpose. Isn't yoga about union? Isn't it important to step onto our yoga mats with eyes wide open and a willingness to awaken to and release anything that isn't serving? The hip out of place, the arm yanked out of it's socket, the head hanging with no support ~ all represent psychic blindness and affect us on all levels, not just the physical. That's why seeing and feeling what's really happening in our bodies goes way beyond a perfect yoga pose. This type of mindful practice allows us to receive the full benefit of an asana practice, which, according to the yoga sutra, is the transcendence of duality.

Your yoga mat is no place to perpetuate unconsciousness. Your yoga mat is a place to awaken.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #asana #union #samskara #vinyasaflow #mindfulpractice #awaken

Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

Ebb and flow, come and go never affect the still point of awareness that is you.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#stillness #center #sidecrow #parsvabakasana #trailyoga #palocomado #witnessconscoiusness

Friday, October 3, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave💖

I can always tell when the dynamic of today's message is getting out of balance. Were it not for the time I take regularly to go within through meditation, scriptural study, and time in nature, I wouldn't have the fuel to be of service in the way life calls me to be. It's taken me years and many hits and misses to find the balancing point between inreach and outreach. It is a beautiful dance that requires constant listening and fine tuning to remain in a harmonious flow. This awareness and distinction is a great strength and support to all living service-centered lives.

The greater your inreach, the greater your outreach. These two in perfect balance ensure a life of equilibrium.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #servicecenteredlife #lifeofservice #outreach #inreach #balance #nature #twistingtriangle #revolvedtriangle #parivrttatrikonasana

Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

Never underestimate the power of one conscious breath.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

The common mental practice is to actively notice where we feel like we're lacking support. This inevitably creates more of the same and blinds us to all the ways we are being supported. A simple way out of this habit is to start from right where you are taking note of all the ways you ARE supported. From the ground underneath your feet, the chair beneath your seat, the bed beneath your body ~ all are active expressions of support. I know when I do this I begin to feel in awe at all the ways I am supported. And this recognition always spills over into those one or two areas where I felt left alone. Try it today. Look for support and see what you find!

The invisible energy of support is everywhere. Look for it and you will find it.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #support #youaresupported #lookforsupport #youfindwhatyoulookfor #matsyasana #fishpose #throatchakra #crownchakra