Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

Ventured out this morning at dawn to take this picture at Palo Comado, my favorite nearby trail. The first light and birds singing reminded me of something I've been thinking a lot about lately ~ yoga's purpose and the tendency toward escapism rather than real self connection in the fast-paced world of vinyasa flow. In a crowded class with loud music, it's easy to just let your tendencies run amok. To me this defeats the purpose. Isn't yoga about union? Isn't it important to step onto our yoga mats with eyes wide open and a willingness to awaken to and release anything that isn't serving? The hip out of place, the arm yanked out of it's socket, the head hanging with no support ~ all represent psychic blindness and affect us on all levels, not just the physical. That's why seeing and feeling what's really happening in our bodies goes way beyond a perfect yoga pose. This type of mindful practice allows us to receive the full benefit of an asana practice, which, according to the yoga sutra, is the transcendence of duality.

Your yoga mat is no place to perpetuate unconsciousness. Your yoga mat is a place to awaken.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #asana #union #samskara #vinyasaflow #mindfulpractice #awaken

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