Monday, October 6, 2014

Tge Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

Here I am in one of my favorite shoulder openers. It helps me retrain an area of my body that has a longstanding build up of holding and rounding. This tendency follows me into every pose, not to mention off the mat as well. Yesterday I studied with a masterful teacher who helped me see I've really been letting this issue come along for the ride rather than really addressing it full-on in all the ways it shows up in my practice (and in my life). This kind of work is very uncomfortable and takes a courage because the physical is only the gross layer of the emotional, mental, spiritual component it represents - the psychic fear, survival panic, trauma that initiated the pattern will be confronted and that can be scary, but what else is there really?  This is the journey I want to facilitate for my students and I can only do that with integrity by walking that path myself. This involves a willingness to step back, do things differently, rather than make poses look pretty from the outside. Ego and habit will fight these endeavors and try to steal the blessings they bring, but with persistent patience, they will eventually give up, and the self will break free of their chains.

The only thing I have to teach is what I learn and embody.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #teach #embody #restorativeyoga #shoulderopener #karmicknots #oldpaterns #samskara #release

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