Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Daiky Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

No one has ever done the same yoga pose twice. Yes, we have names for poses that create an outline or guide, but the dynamics of the pose are different every time. Asana, as one of the eight limbs of yoga, is a gateway into self-realization. When the practice of asana is done from memory and habit, or even to attain a perfect pose, it gets stuck in the finite world of form and loses it's potential for self discovery. The purpose of yoga has never been a perfect pose, but a perfect (or quiet) mind. Where the body is tense, hyper-mobile, or dull is a direct reflection of the mind. When we practice with alertness, and breath, these places find balance, and harmony is restored. That's the perpetual gift of asana. Without that level of presence, asana becomes gymnastics at best and harmful at worst.

A yoga pose is not a finite shape in form. It's an open ended opportunity for self-reflection and self-realization.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #yogaeveryday #asana #yoga365 #selfrealization #selfreflection #pratyahara #dhyana #dharana #samadhi #yogachallenge #pranayama #realyoga

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