Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

I know today's message doesn't always feel true, but I think it is. Time is a relative mental construct. While we adhere to it in order to function in society, we don't have to let it limit our lives. The yoga sutras speak of time slowing down and the Self of all selves being unlimited by time. The bible compares one day to a thousand years when thought is connected to divinity. We all experience periods where time feels like it's moving fast or slow. It's totally a matter of perspective. Think of the 5 year old piano virtuoso or the 80 year old who starts a bachelors degree program. One of my biggest inspirations, Albert Einstein, wrote: "...for us believing physicists, the separation between past,present, and future is only an illusion, although a convincing one." Even at that level of understanding the illusion of time was a "convincing one!" It takes alertness not to be a slave of time. One simple way is to begin noticing all the ways time is an excuse or a reason to do or not do something. Just being aware if this will change your relationship to time and begin  to set you free. You might find yourself making different choices and experiencing life in a more spontaneous way. Fun and freedom expand as time loses its grip on us.

Time can't limit you. Only your beliefs about and relationship to time can limit you.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #beyondtime #timeless #infinite #malasana #yogisquat #oaktrees #trailyoga #yogachallenge #Einstein #yogasutras #ancientwisdom #spontaneousinspiration #bible #scripture #eastmeetswest

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