Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave

Today's message comes compliments of the trail, where I get my best inspirations. I thought astvakrasana (8 angle pose) would be a nice pairing since the numeral eight represents infinity. It's obvious that there is no oneness at the level of five-sense awareness. It takes inward-direct consciousness to recognize oneness. In yogic philosphy this awarenes of oneness is called Samadhi -- it's yoga's eighth limb. It takes practice, consistent practice, to approach this awareness. The practice is mainly about dispelling illusions. Remembering that, we don't have to make oneness so; we just have to train our awareness to recognize it. This is "beyond-the-brain" thinking for sure! And this understanding does impact the physical realm, enveloping it in the over-arching unity of Life. Relationships adjust, discord dissolves, and inner peace is more readily available. Oh what a relief to feel the already present interconnectedness of everything.

It's not my job to create oneness. It's my job to disengage from the belief in separation.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#astavakrasana #eightanglepose #oneness #trailyoga #thankyoumountain #yogi #yogalife #yogaeveryday #samadhi #practice #outdooryoga

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