Friday, October 24, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

Could you imagine a world where everyone was scrambling to do more good instead of hustling to gain more power or things? What a difference! I'm convinced that many of the troubles we face individually and collectively today are the result of a diminished value on service. A sort of hypnotic narcissism has crept into human consciousness convincing us that happiness comes as the result of egoic satisfaction - an oxymoron at best - for the ego is never satisfied. No praise, possession, or personal achievement brings lasting satisfaction. Whereas the quiet fulfillment that arises from selfless service brings a wealth that cannot be measured or stolen. If you're feeling depressed, discontent, or stressed, ask where your service is needed and follow the answer. See what happens. I know it will be GOOD!

What if wealth was measured by good works rather than possessions?

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #servicecenteredlife #bramacharya #nonexcess #restraint #aparigraha #nonpossessiveness #santosha #contentment #standingmarichyasana #trailyoga #yogi #yamas #niyamas #tencommandments #grace #yogachallenge #bhaktiyoga

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