Friday, October 10, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

Yoga vs. gymnastics is a really interesting line of inquiry these days. Inversions as part of an overall yoga practice are a powerful way to transcend mental and physical limitations. Being upside down is a perspective changer for sure and gives a great sense of dominion. But I think it's important to really know whether you're practicing gymnastics (a highly competitive sport, originating in Greece, based on physical feats of achievement) or yoga (a breath-centered practice, originating in India, geared toward the attainment of higher consciousness). I love seeing all the gorgeous photos and videos as much as anyone. I find them very inspiring, and I don't claim to be any judge of what a real yogi is. It's just that with so much focus on inversions these days, I think it's important to raise these questions and make empowering distinctions for ourselves as to whether we're headed down the pathway we intended. If it's aligned with your deepest truth, whether it's yoga or gymnastics, then go for it! Just know what you're choosing -- that's the crucial thing. If you're interested in exploring this topic a little further, see my piece on Breaking Muscle:

The ability to do a handstand doesn't mean you're a yogi. The inability to do a handstand doesn't mean you're not a yogi.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #handstandmania #realyogi #yogavsgymnastics #yogaeveryday #8limbs #higherconsciousness #examine #perspectivechange #upsidedown #yogalife #yogachallenge

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