Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

Whenever I have the opportunity to help someone, I remember today's message. To actively relieve suffering is a step beyond the yogic yama or universal moral principle of "ahimsa," meaning"do no harm." It's in alignment with the biblical parable of the good Samaritan - helping another for no reason and no reward other than to help them. I find a satisfaction in this like no other. I guess that makes sense considering we are all connected. The good I'm doing for another I'm doing also for myself.

Nothing feels better than making someone else feel better.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #ahimsa #relivesuffering #goodsamaritan #yama #universal #dogoodfornoreason #yogicpath #universaltruth #trailyoga #yoga #helpothers

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