Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

Today's #dailylightwave is something I feel myself and witness when I explore what people around the world and from all schools of thought are expressing. The fields of science, medicine, religion, education all have luminaries championing a foundational shift in perception. It gives me pause for thought to consider what's bringing all these individuals, from completely different fields, to essentially the same realizations. I can't help but feel an indescribable conviction that a great and higher intelligence really is at the helm of human progress. Those who are  tuning in and following are the spiritual pioneers who really are going where no man has gone before.

There is an active power pushing at the boundaries of human consciousness, inviting it to look beyond its five-sense bubble and to expand from a physicality-based to a spirituality-based awareness.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#perceptionshift #spiritualpioneer #expandboundaries #spiritbasedawareness #activepower

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

Today's #dailylightwave is a message I got loud and clear last night. It's as if something was saying: don't man handle your life; trust its unfolding and let yourself be moved. I felt this in my bones and slept like a baby. No more backseat driving with Life at the wheel. Yeah!!!!

Life's purpose within you is moving toward its own evolution. Your job is to cooperate and stay out of the way.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#trustlife #getoutofyourownway #allow #cooperate #trust

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

I'm loving Eben Alexander's book called "Proof of Heaven." With fresh language, it's helping me understand better concepts I've learned and strove to practice over the years via spiritual texts and practices. Only Eben Alexander is an academic neurosurgeon, so he articulates with intelligence the connection between spirituality and science. One of the things he explains, which inspired today's #dailylightwave is that the brain not only cannot connect us with expanded realms of consciousness, but it actually deletes them. It does this to perform its function of survival mechanism. Being the good little brain that it is, it thinks that if we really took in the miracle of each moment, we might be so preoccupied that we'd walk out in front of a moving bus or something else detrimental to our earthly existence. Just knowing this has helped me pause throughout my day and ask, "What is my brain deleting right now? What more is here that I could become aware of if I transcended brain-level awareness?" It's pretty cool what arises in the moments where I remember to do this. All the practices people have invented over time make sense now ~ meditation, chanting, mantra, prayer, breathing techniques, physical exercises, psychedelic drugs, walking over hot coals, the list goes on ~ all provide a gateway out of brain thinking and into pure consciousness. These concentrated practices (I'm a big proponent of the non-drug related ones by the way...) help us make that connection and then it's easier to re-access it amidst our daily routines. Imagine how the world might shift if every individual put even 10% more effort into expanded beyond-brain consciousness? That might just be the key to solving most, if not all, the world's woes. I hope everyone who reads this in my small circle of outreach is, or will, do that in some way. As beings of Light, the brain is only one stop along our pathway of evolution.

Those moments when human thought touches expanded consciousness or infinity, arise not through the brain, but by transcending the brain.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#beyondbrain #youaremorethanthebrain #beingsoflight #transcendbrainawareness #touchexpandedconsciousness #infinity #proofofheaven #ebenalexander

Monday, July 28, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave #dailylightwave

Looking at the lives of luminaries, people who really tapped into their uniqueness and lived it, they all had one thing in common ~ periods of solitude and stillness (often in nature). Many were thought to be drifters, even losers by there society's standards. In our modern-day doing-addicted-culture, it takes courage and trust to unplug,  slow down and nurture our inner genius. But that's exactly what the world, which would condemn us for doing so, needs more than anything is people living their gifts. This is what will solve the biggest issues facing our planet today. So what might at first seem like a selfish act is really quite an unselfish one. Water and fertilize the seeds of genius within YOU. If you don't, who will?

Take time for necessary laziness, remembering that the seeds of genius within take root and blossom in the seemingly empty spaces between doing.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#necessarylaziness #nurtureyourgenius #seedsofgenius #solitude #stillness

Sunday, July 27, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave #dailylightwave

Close your eyes and devote at least one conscious breath to the whole planet today.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#consciousbreath #embracetheplanet

Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave ♡

Karma ~ not a punitive law in a cold and mechanical universe, but an intelligent law in a loving universe who's intention it is for each individual to progress into limitless being.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

Friday, July 25, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

Lately I've been experiencing with awe what I'm describing in today's #dailylightwave. I can actually feel the power of mental conviction within myself and I find that it immediately affects my body, mind, and circumstances. Because, mental conviction is more amenable to the invisible (but very real) realm of love and truth, it is much more reliable than sense perception and should be master of the senses. To my delight (and sometimes surprise), I'm finding that the senses act as obedient servants under the guidance of a strong mental conviction. What allows this mental conviction to arise and take shape in a way that the senses will yield is different for everyone. Finding what works for you, is so worth it and is like meeting a whole new aspect of yourself. Looking at sages of the past and present, mental conviction is a quality they all share, so I think it's well worth cultivating.

Mental conviction is a tangible power and is best used to inform the senses rather than conform to them.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#mentalconviction #sensesareservants

Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

At 5 years old, Einstein's father gave him a pocket compass to play with while he was ill in bed. What Einstein witnessed in this compass would become something he referred back to for the rest of his life, especially when he had reached a stumbling block in his explanations of how the universe worked. The needle always pointing north without any physical aid gave Einstein a glimpse that, in his words, "Something deeply hidden had to be behind things." This recognition continues to gain momentum in all schools of thought - medicine, science, and religion. For more exploration at how modern thought is confirming ancient sage-wisdom,look at the writings of Eben Alexander - neurosurgeon, Deepak Chopra - MD, Bruce Lipton - stem cell biologist, Anita Moorjani - healed of terminal cancer, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - French philosopher and Jesuit priest. Today's #dailylightwave refers to what all of these individuals and more have and are witnessing; and when embodied it is a game changer in human life.

Whoever grasps that consciousness is primary and physicality is secondary is empowered to live their earthly life with the full awareness that they are a spiritual being having a human experience, not a human being who sometimes may have a spiritual experience.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#consciousnessprimary #Einsteincompass #spiritualbeing

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

Today's #dailylightwave is about cultivating the courage to look inside and to trust the answers we receive from the guru within; instead of always taking the default go-to of looking outside for answers that's so ingrained in the human psyche.

The deepest part of you is also the smartest part of you. You connect with it more by reaching in for answers than you do by reaching out for them.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#innerguru #lookwithin #youknow #trustyourintuition #reachin

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave #dailylightwave

Never underestimate the power of presencing a higher awareness. The way you think about world events does make a difference. This might at first seem like a cop out, but it actually takes more inner strength to do this than it does to carry a sign, complain, lament, or sign a petition. That doesn't mean these other things aren't valuable too, and probably more so when this inner work is done.

Before you turn on the bad news in the media, turn on the good news (the visceral, beyond-sense awareness that ALL IS WELL) within your own consciousness. Armed with that you will respond differently and be adding something of great value to world problems.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#thegoodnews #presenceahigherawareness #whatyouthinkmatters #alliswell

Monday, July 21, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave #dailylightwave

There is an infinite library in consciousness and you have an all-access card that never expires. It's called your intuition.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#intuition #developyourintuition #intuitionseesbeyondsense

Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

So far history confirms today's #dailylightwave. Let's keep it that way. Change begins at the grassroots level and expands from there. Empower yourself with the awareness that what you think, say, and do does matter and does make a difference.

One person doing good is more powerful than thousands of people doing evil. Never underestimate the power of one when aligned with Love.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga


Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

Today's #dailylightwave was the uplifting message that came through as I grappled with current world issues  this morning. This Love isn't an airy fairy thing. It's so real and it is powerful. It can reach where nothing physical can. Today's know that the love you embody and send out into the world is having an effect. This is an empowering truth that can free you from feeling helpless or hopeless about what's happening around the world. Think about it, if violence and hate have an effect, then imagine the greater effect that love must have. Trust.

There is a LOVE that's bigger, stronger, and more powerful than even the biggest problems facing our world. May each one of us find a way to trust and embody that in our own life TODAY.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#loveisbigger #loveisstronger #loveispower #lovetranscends #loveknowsnolimit #embodylove #trustlove #keephopealive #loverules #lovewins

Friday, July 18, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave #dailylightwave

False ideas and ideals are doomed, not nations and people. The real battle is with the demons in our own minds, not with other people.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#falseideasdoomed #innerbattle #spiritualwarfare #innervictory #victoryoverharmfultendencies

Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave #dailylightwave

When was the last time you saw a flower rushing to bloom or the earth hurrying to turn on its axis? The answer is most likely never. This concept of rush hour that we humans have created and then enslaved ourselves to is completely bogus and out of alignment with the way of the Universe. And these days rushing is no longer confined to an hour, it has in large measure over taken our lives. Lately I've been asking myself how I can withdraw my consent from this way of being and come into harmony with the steady, unhurried rhythm of Life Itself? One very simple way I've found is to slow down my breath throughout the day. Whenever I catch myself in a moment of hurrying, I begin right there to take just one slow, deep, conscious breath. It's awe inspiring to witness the effect. Every time I remember to practice this, I wonder why I don't do it more often. Breath is a game changer to the human psyche and can transform a moment in an instant. That's why I say often to yoga students, "never underestimate the power of one conscious breath." I've also been staying mindful when I am out during the hours we call "rush hours," that I don't lend my thoughts and actions to that frantic energy. I can be the calm center within the eye of that rush hour storm. When I lend my mind to steady alertness in place of hurry, I always find an opportunity to be neighborly instead of embodying the narcissism that's often witnessed on the roads these days. Imagine the peace we can spread during these times! When another driver looks over and sees me sitting calm and serene, or maybe happily singing to my favorite tunes, it will remind them to retrieve their consciousness from the rush hour ransacker. What I notice when I'm very present with myself in those moments when hurry wants to take over is that it is the antithesis of my natural pace, so why would I buy into it? I'm realizing that I don't have to. I'm realizing there's another way because in actuality there is no rush hour!! We made it and it's up to us to un-make it if we want to be in harmony with the pace of our deepest self, our soul-self ~  that aspect of us that's aligned with the universal pace, which knows no hurry. This is crucial because hurry is not good for us. It's not good for our bodies, our minds, or our emotions. And no matter how much we believe otherwise, hurrying does NOT further our life's purpose, our success, or help us accomplish more; it ultimately detracts us from the fulfillment our deepest purpose. Trust that you'll accomplish more and in the right timing with peace than you ever could by rushing.

The Universe knows no rush hour. Don't lend your mind to unconscious hurry; let your full presence dissolve hurry into peace one moment at a time.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#donotrush #slowdown #deepbreath #claimyourpeace #lendyourselftocalm #endhurry #norushhour

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave #dailylightwave

Build it with patience.
Expand it with wisdom.
Maintain it with persistence.
Share it with abandon.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#consciousendeavor #lifepurpose #dharma

Monday, July 14, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

Today's #dailylightwave is a little gem that came through me on yesterday's yoga hike. The background is a distant shot of where we practiced.

Your vision sees what's not yet visible to the eyes. Learn to trust your vision and rely on it. Eyesight should serve vision not limit it.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#vision #visionary #embodyvision

Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

Changing your thoughts is one thing. Shifting the vibration of your mind is another; and it is this latter shift that will change your life.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

Today's #dailylightwave is something I've been honing in on lately. It requires moments of stillness to really feel into the tone of my mind, as well as the ongoing practice of tuning in throughout the day to feel - not what I'm thinking about - but the tone of my thoughts. This is a deeper level of spiritual practice. It goes beyond positive thinking, which really stays on the surface and is more about changing thoughts rather than shifting the actual vibrational tone of our minds. Positive thinking stays within the limited scope of the human mind, which is the problem maker, not the problem solver. And, to paraphrase Albert Einstein, we can't solve a problem using the same mind that created it. The tricky part of this is that our vibration (or song) is so close to home and it's been playing for so long that it's like white noise in the background, it's unconscious. It's almost like trying to see the nose on our own face. Without something to reflect it back to us, it's impossible. In spiritual practice what serves as the mirror, is tuning into a larger perspective. Some might call this pure consciousness, divine consciousness, divine Mind, God, Spirit, Love itself. The ways we can do this are pretty limitless - mantra, meditation, prayer, time in nature, spiritual study, breathing, singing, chanting - all these when done intentionally are gateways to a greater, deeper awareness of the ocean of consciousness that lies outside our habitual mental lagoon. A simple way to begin this is to notice what you're thinking about and then feel into the fabric or field out of which the thought is arising. For example, I might notice I'm going over a to-do list in my head. But if I feel into the thoughts, I might further notice they're arising out of a sense of anxiety or agitation or a fear that I won't be able to get it all done (sneak peak into the mental realm of Alison Wilburn)! We all have our own brand of mental static that arises from the conditioned personality - I'm not good enough, I'm not loved, I can't do it, I'm so great, I'm better than everyone, I need to be better than everyone, I have to win, I'm a loser, etc, etc. The teachings of Abraham-Hicks are so helpful around this topic. They really hone in on the details of this process and in many ways hit the nail on the head. If you haven't explored their teachings, they might be good ones to add to your spiritual awakening kit. What I'm finding as I do this, is how cool it is to really sense the tone and to shift it. I use breathing a lot to do this - slowing down the inhale and exhale. It's simple and something I can do any time anywhere. It's amazing how things on the outside shift immediately with the vibrational shift of my mind!! This really works. It's powerful. Bodily functions, relationships, and circumstances align. This explains why desires manifest in the visible world with these tonal shifts, whereas wants dwell in the thought realm and keep us wanting. The discipline to do this consistently is well worth it. It will change your life.

#thoughtvibration #vibrationalshift #abrahamhicks #pureconsciousness #beyondthought

Saturday, July 12, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

Today's #dailylightwave is a practice for sure. It can be so easy to become convinced, even intimidated, by physical sense evidence that says we have no reason for gratitude. A consciousness devoid of gratitude is vibrating at a very low frequency and will attract at that level, creating more evidence that confirms what we're believing. It's truly a vicious cycle ~ we let outward appearances dictate our attitude and we create more of the same appearances ~ even if it's what we don't want. Being willing to roll up our mental sleeves and practice gratitude even when we're convinced there's no reason to and absolutely nothing to be grateful for, creates the reverse snowball effect. There is always something that can evoke gratitude. It may start out small ~ I'm breathing, I can see colors, noticing all the parts of your body where there is no pain, I know my grandmother loves me, etc. ~ whatever it is for you. Each recognition is like a snowflake. The snowflakes begin to accumulate into a snowball, the snowballs form an avalanche ~ yes an avalanche of gratitude that washes away non-gratitude, raises our mental vibration in such a way that the outer has to conform via relationships and circumstances. Once that happens it's easy to fall back into gratitude-as-response mode, but if we're alert, we won't let the outer ~ even when it appears good ~ become a resting couch for our gratitude. Wisdom teaches that external phenomena are the result not really the cause for gratitude. As with most spiritual practices, it's a bit ironic and even inverted to the survival mind. But try it. Dwelling in the frequency of gratitude that's not based on externals is actually the most serene, centered, steady, and powerful place to be. It's really the feeling of gratitude we crave more than any external thing anyway.

The attractive force of gratitude will always bring you more to be grateful for. Align your mind with the vibration of gratitude, actively practice it, especially when it appears there's nothing to be grateful for.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#gratitude #practicegratitude #alignyourmind #gratitudeispower

Friday, July 11, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

Breathing in today's #dailylightwave, especially where it would appear otherwise.  Key word "appear." Remembering appearances are always deceiving. Trusting the intelligent unfolding beyond intellectual logic. There's a big difference. Trust.

Realizing that the universe is ever-expanding, Einstein came to call his notion of a static universe his "greatest blunder." Perhaps the notion that our life is static or stuck in any way is our greatest blunder. After all we're part of the same infinitely expanding universe (one song), so how could we be anything less?

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#expand #universalexpansion #Einstein #greatestblunder #trust

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave #dailylightwave

Make your consciousness a space of beauty that feels good to inhabit. It's the one home you can never move away from.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Daily Lightwave


It's not what others think of you, it's what you think of you that determines the quality and scope of your life.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

Today's #dailylightwave speaks of the commerce of consciousness. Looking closely, without the lens of dogma, that's what all scripture is related to as well ~ the inflow and outflow of thoughts and how that affects everything. The human mind is a mechanism heavily influenced by suggestion. Suggestions taken in unconsciously become ingrained before we know it and we live as if what we've unwittingly accepted is the truth. Discernment is crucial for someone committed to awakening and living a conscious life. It makes sense that scripture would be instructing us in how to protect our minds from falsehood. Noticing the parallels is so inspiring to me because it indicates that there's a universal truth being articulated. Here are just a few related examples . . .
"Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding." (book of Proverbs, the bible)

"The Perfection of Wisdom is the greatest mantra.
It is the clearest mantra,
the highest mantra,
the mantra that removes all suffering." (The Heart Sutra, Mahayana Buddhism)

"Nothing in the world can purify as powerfully as wisdom." (Bhagavad Gita)

Let's be wise mental bankers who preserve our treasures, spend the currency of love freely, and stay alert not to accept the counterfeits of conditioning, convention, false education, and the like.

What I buy with my mind is as, if not more, important than what I buy with my money. Let's be wise mental bankers who preserve our treasures, spend the currency of love freely, and stay alert not to accept counterfeits.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#wisdom #buytruth #sellillusions

Monday, July 7, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave #dailylightwave

Once upon a time I thought having a very quirky Himalayan cat was a big responsibility. Then I married a man with two children and everything changed. It's so true, people who have no children know the most about parenting. I used to know a lot! What I'm finding is that this stretches me like nothing ever before - yes yogi friends even more than hanumanasana! And the role of stepparent brings a host of additional challenges I never anticipated. A mentor said to me recently, "It will all be worth it when you see you've made a difference." This rang so true and brought tears to my eyes. It's something I cling to when times are tough. One of my strengths in this role (probably the teacher in me) is that I have a keen eye for potential. I see so many truly amazing things in each of my stepdaughters and there's little that brings me more joy than seeing them grow and develop. That's one thing I'm really good at! I know the challenges along the way are part of the purification process, the burning away of anything that doesn't serve the greater good. It's easy to sit on a mountain (or in my case a one bedroom apartment with your cat) and think you're pretty enlightened. That's what I love about Thich Nhat Hanh's idea of "engaged Buddhism" and the instruction given to Krishnamacharya by his guru that he become a householder (one with a wife and family) rather than a renunciate as other yogis had been up to that time. It's in the flow of life that impurities come to the surface ~ never to harm, always for healing and an ultimately more expansive life. Understanding this tells me a huge blessing is working itself out here. I trust that implicitly especially in the moments that push me to my edge.

Lately I've been remember these words attributed to Christ Jesus, "...with God all things are possible", and realizing it says "possible," not "easy."

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#withgodallthingsarepossible #stepparent #instafamily #stretched #intheflow #tapas

Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

I don't know about you, but today's #dailylightwave makes me want to live a life like this. I was thinking of someone specific when I wrote it and feeling how influential it's been to witness a consistent life of authentic spiritual devotion, service, genuine love for humanity, abundance, and freedom (in mind, body, and spirit). This individual has to be well into his 70s (though I don't know his exact age) and still sees without any eye glasses or contacts, walks around with agility and strength, writes continually, and continues to act as a teacher and healer to an ever growing community of students. And all of this in addition to decades of happy marriage to the same woman and raising 4 healthy successful children.  Wow! An example like that packs some power and, I think, a living embodiment of what's possible for each one of us.

A life well lived has a strengthening influence, beyond it's earthly years, upon everyone who comes into contact with it.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#alifewelllived #lifeofinfluence #livingexample

Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave

Independence isn't a day. It is a way of being. Becoming independent of the notion that anything except our own beliefs can enslave us is the beginning of freedom.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#independenceday #freedomfromenslavingbeliefs

Friday, July 4, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

Today's #dailylightwave sounds a lot like Ahimsa ~ one of the cardinal values in the major eastern religions ~ meaning essentially "do no harm". Ahimsa is an expression of the Golden Rule (do unto others as you would have them do unto you), which has its place in all the world's major religions and ethical traditions. It's clear the importance of this way of being is recognized. Now it's a matter of practice on an individual level. Even with the most just human governments possible, real freedom is still an inside job. No government can give me self-discipline or monitor the thoughts I think and words I say moment by moment. It's up to me to choose to be a conduit for Love and to actively practice mental and physical non-violence towards myself and others.

When every individual has won their freedom from even the most subtle harmful inclination towards self or others, then the world will be truly free.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#freedom #Ahimsa #goldenrule #practicenonviolence #donoharm #practicepeace

Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

Today's #dailylightwave is something I practice on a pretty consistent basis.   I heard Michael Beckwith, the founder of Agape Spiritual Center, say something profound one day. He said:  "your present circumstances are relics of your past beliefs." This has been so helpful to me in recognizing the power of belief, and in understanding that no matter how out of my control things seem to be, that every phenomenon in the human experience is linked to a belief ~ and mostly unconscious beliefs so we forget to make the connection. What I'm seeing today is what I've believed up until now. But now is a new moment and is wide open for something different. In the same way i believe myself into things, I can believe my way out of them. This isn't about ignoring something or a lack of awareness.  It actually comes about by a more developed awareness of non-sense reality. Thankfully there are numerous paths to this awakening and to living a conscious mindful life where we're no longer volleyed around by outside appearances and situations. This is a constant practice in a new way of thinking and being. It's important to have practices for all states and stages of consciousness.

If believing is seeing then not believing is not seeing. At certain times when consciousness is evolving to a new place, we have to stop believing what we're seeing even while we're seeing it. As belief changes everything changes.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#believingisseeing notbelievingisnotseeing #unsee #consciousliving #awakening #realitybeyondfivesenses #michaelbeckwith #agape

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave #dailylightwave
Whatever it takes to make the connection is worth it.

A ray would lose its light if it separated itself from the sun. Likewise it's a conscious connection to my Source that gives me the light to shine forth.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

I hope today's #dailylightwave reminds you of the power you have as an individual simply in the way you live your life. Don't ever think what you're doing isn't making a difference because it is. Make sure it's a good difference!

Keep doing your own brand of good and you'll never be tempted to believe that the world is an evil place doomed for destruction. Protest the darkness in the world by living a life of light. The life you live is more powerful than the words you say in effecting change.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#makeadifference #protestwithyourlife #everyactioncounts