Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

Today's #dailylightwave was the uplifting message that came through as I grappled with current world issues  this morning. This Love isn't an airy fairy thing. It's so real and it is powerful. It can reach where nothing physical can. Today's know that the love you embody and send out into the world is having an effect. This is an empowering truth that can free you from feeling helpless or hopeless about what's happening around the world. Think about it, if violence and hate have an effect, then imagine the greater effect that love must have. Trust.

There is a LOVE that's bigger, stronger, and more powerful than even the biggest problems facing our world. May each one of us find a way to trust and embody that in our own life TODAY.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#loveisbigger #loveisstronger #loveispower #lovetranscends #loveknowsnolimit #embodylove #trustlove #keephopealive #loverules #lovewins

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