Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave #dailylightwave

When was the last time you saw a flower rushing to bloom or the earth hurrying to turn on its axis? The answer is most likely never. This concept of rush hour that we humans have created and then enslaved ourselves to is completely bogus and out of alignment with the way of the Universe. And these days rushing is no longer confined to an hour, it has in large measure over taken our lives. Lately I've been asking myself how I can withdraw my consent from this way of being and come into harmony with the steady, unhurried rhythm of Life Itself? One very simple way I've found is to slow down my breath throughout the day. Whenever I catch myself in a moment of hurrying, I begin right there to take just one slow, deep, conscious breath. It's awe inspiring to witness the effect. Every time I remember to practice this, I wonder why I don't do it more often. Breath is a game changer to the human psyche and can transform a moment in an instant. That's why I say often to yoga students, "never underestimate the power of one conscious breath." I've also been staying mindful when I am out during the hours we call "rush hours," that I don't lend my thoughts and actions to that frantic energy. I can be the calm center within the eye of that rush hour storm. When I lend my mind to steady alertness in place of hurry, I always find an opportunity to be neighborly instead of embodying the narcissism that's often witnessed on the roads these days. Imagine the peace we can spread during these times! When another driver looks over and sees me sitting calm and serene, or maybe happily singing to my favorite tunes, it will remind them to retrieve their consciousness from the rush hour ransacker. What I notice when I'm very present with myself in those moments when hurry wants to take over is that it is the antithesis of my natural pace, so why would I buy into it? I'm realizing that I don't have to. I'm realizing there's another way because in actuality there is no rush hour!! We made it and it's up to us to un-make it if we want to be in harmony with the pace of our deepest self, our soul-self ~  that aspect of us that's aligned with the universal pace, which knows no hurry. This is crucial because hurry is not good for us. It's not good for our bodies, our minds, or our emotions. And no matter how much we believe otherwise, hurrying does NOT further our life's purpose, our success, or help us accomplish more; it ultimately detracts us from the fulfillment our deepest purpose. Trust that you'll accomplish more and in the right timing with peace than you ever could by rushing.

The Universe knows no rush hour. Don't lend your mind to unconscious hurry; let your full presence dissolve hurry into peace one moment at a time.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#donotrush #slowdown #deepbreath #claimyourpeace #lendyourselftocalm #endhurry #norushhour

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