Saturday, July 12, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

Today's #dailylightwave is a practice for sure. It can be so easy to become convinced, even intimidated, by physical sense evidence that says we have no reason for gratitude. A consciousness devoid of gratitude is vibrating at a very low frequency and will attract at that level, creating more evidence that confirms what we're believing. It's truly a vicious cycle ~ we let outward appearances dictate our attitude and we create more of the same appearances ~ even if it's what we don't want. Being willing to roll up our mental sleeves and practice gratitude even when we're convinced there's no reason to and absolutely nothing to be grateful for, creates the reverse snowball effect. There is always something that can evoke gratitude. It may start out small ~ I'm breathing, I can see colors, noticing all the parts of your body where there is no pain, I know my grandmother loves me, etc. ~ whatever it is for you. Each recognition is like a snowflake. The snowflakes begin to accumulate into a snowball, the snowballs form an avalanche ~ yes an avalanche of gratitude that washes away non-gratitude, raises our mental vibration in such a way that the outer has to conform via relationships and circumstances. Once that happens it's easy to fall back into gratitude-as-response mode, but if we're alert, we won't let the outer ~ even when it appears good ~ become a resting couch for our gratitude. Wisdom teaches that external phenomena are the result not really the cause for gratitude. As with most spiritual practices, it's a bit ironic and even inverted to the survival mind. But try it. Dwelling in the frequency of gratitude that's not based on externals is actually the most serene, centered, steady, and powerful place to be. It's really the feeling of gratitude we crave more than any external thing anyway.

The attractive force of gratitude will always bring you more to be grateful for. Align your mind with the vibration of gratitude, actively practice it, especially when it appears there's nothing to be grateful for.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#gratitude #practicegratitude #alignyourmind #gratitudeispower

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