Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

Changing your thoughts is one thing. Shifting the vibration of your mind is another; and it is this latter shift that will change your life.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

Today's #dailylightwave is something I've been honing in on lately. It requires moments of stillness to really feel into the tone of my mind, as well as the ongoing practice of tuning in throughout the day to feel - not what I'm thinking about - but the tone of my thoughts. This is a deeper level of spiritual practice. It goes beyond positive thinking, which really stays on the surface and is more about changing thoughts rather than shifting the actual vibrational tone of our minds. Positive thinking stays within the limited scope of the human mind, which is the problem maker, not the problem solver. And, to paraphrase Albert Einstein, we can't solve a problem using the same mind that created it. The tricky part of this is that our vibration (or song) is so close to home and it's been playing for so long that it's like white noise in the background, it's unconscious. It's almost like trying to see the nose on our own face. Without something to reflect it back to us, it's impossible. In spiritual practice what serves as the mirror, is tuning into a larger perspective. Some might call this pure consciousness, divine consciousness, divine Mind, God, Spirit, Love itself. The ways we can do this are pretty limitless - mantra, meditation, prayer, time in nature, spiritual study, breathing, singing, chanting - all these when done intentionally are gateways to a greater, deeper awareness of the ocean of consciousness that lies outside our habitual mental lagoon. A simple way to begin this is to notice what you're thinking about and then feel into the fabric or field out of which the thought is arising. For example, I might notice I'm going over a to-do list in my head. But if I feel into the thoughts, I might further notice they're arising out of a sense of anxiety or agitation or a fear that I won't be able to get it all done (sneak peak into the mental realm of Alison Wilburn)! We all have our own brand of mental static that arises from the conditioned personality - I'm not good enough, I'm not loved, I can't do it, I'm so great, I'm better than everyone, I need to be better than everyone, I have to win, I'm a loser, etc, etc. The teachings of Abraham-Hicks are so helpful around this topic. They really hone in on the details of this process and in many ways hit the nail on the head. If you haven't explored their teachings, they might be good ones to add to your spiritual awakening kit. What I'm finding as I do this, is how cool it is to really sense the tone and to shift it. I use breathing a lot to do this - slowing down the inhale and exhale. It's simple and something I can do any time anywhere. It's amazing how things on the outside shift immediately with the vibrational shift of my mind!! This really works. It's powerful. Bodily functions, relationships, and circumstances align. This explains why desires manifest in the visible world with these tonal shifts, whereas wants dwell in the thought realm and keep us wanting. The discipline to do this consistently is well worth it. It will change your life.

#thoughtvibration #vibrationalshift #abrahamhicks #pureconsciousness #beyondthought

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