Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

I'm loving Eben Alexander's book called "Proof of Heaven." With fresh language, it's helping me understand better concepts I've learned and strove to practice over the years via spiritual texts and practices. Only Eben Alexander is an academic neurosurgeon, so he articulates with intelligence the connection between spirituality and science. One of the things he explains, which inspired today's #dailylightwave is that the brain not only cannot connect us with expanded realms of consciousness, but it actually deletes them. It does this to perform its function of survival mechanism. Being the good little brain that it is, it thinks that if we really took in the miracle of each moment, we might be so preoccupied that we'd walk out in front of a moving bus or something else detrimental to our earthly existence. Just knowing this has helped me pause throughout my day and ask, "What is my brain deleting right now? What more is here that I could become aware of if I transcended brain-level awareness?" It's pretty cool what arises in the moments where I remember to do this. All the practices people have invented over time make sense now ~ meditation, chanting, mantra, prayer, breathing techniques, physical exercises, psychedelic drugs, walking over hot coals, the list goes on ~ all provide a gateway out of brain thinking and into pure consciousness. These concentrated practices (I'm a big proponent of the non-drug related ones by the way...) help us make that connection and then it's easier to re-access it amidst our daily routines. Imagine how the world might shift if every individual put even 10% more effort into expanded beyond-brain consciousness? That might just be the key to solving most, if not all, the world's woes. I hope everyone who reads this in my small circle of outreach is, or will, do that in some way. As beings of Light, the brain is only one stop along our pathway of evolution.

Those moments when human thought touches expanded consciousness or infinity, arise not through the brain, but by transcending the brain.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#beyondbrain #youaremorethanthebrain #beingsoflight #transcendbrainawareness #touchexpandedconsciousness #infinity #proofofheaven #ebenalexander

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