Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

At 5 years old, Einstein's father gave him a pocket compass to play with while he was ill in bed. What Einstein witnessed in this compass would become something he referred back to for the rest of his life, especially when he had reached a stumbling block in his explanations of how the universe worked. The needle always pointing north without any physical aid gave Einstein a glimpse that, in his words, "Something deeply hidden had to be behind things." This recognition continues to gain momentum in all schools of thought - medicine, science, and religion. For more exploration at how modern thought is confirming ancient sage-wisdom,look at the writings of Eben Alexander - neurosurgeon, Deepak Chopra - MD, Bruce Lipton - stem cell biologist, Anita Moorjani - healed of terminal cancer, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - French philosopher and Jesuit priest. Today's #dailylightwave refers to what all of these individuals and more have and are witnessing; and when embodied it is a game changer in human life.

Whoever grasps that consciousness is primary and physicality is secondary is empowered to live their earthly life with the full awareness that they are a spiritual being having a human experience, not a human being who sometimes may have a spiritual experience.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#consciousnessprimary #Einsteincompass #spiritualbeing

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