Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave #dailylightwave

Never underestimate the power of presencing a higher awareness. The way you think about world events does make a difference. This might at first seem like a cop out, but it actually takes more inner strength to do this than it does to carry a sign, complain, lament, or sign a petition. That doesn't mean these other things aren't valuable too, and probably more so when this inner work is done.

Before you turn on the bad news in the media, turn on the good news (the visceral, beyond-sense awareness that ALL IS WELL) within your own consciousness. Armed with that you will respond differently and be adding something of great value to world problems.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#thegoodnews #presenceahigherawareness #whatyouthinkmatters #alliswell

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