Monday, July 7, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave #dailylightwave

Once upon a time I thought having a very quirky Himalayan cat was a big responsibility. Then I married a man with two children and everything changed. It's so true, people who have no children know the most about parenting. I used to know a lot! What I'm finding is that this stretches me like nothing ever before - yes yogi friends even more than hanumanasana! And the role of stepparent brings a host of additional challenges I never anticipated. A mentor said to me recently, "It will all be worth it when you see you've made a difference." This rang so true and brought tears to my eyes. It's something I cling to when times are tough. One of my strengths in this role (probably the teacher in me) is that I have a keen eye for potential. I see so many truly amazing things in each of my stepdaughters and there's little that brings me more joy than seeing them grow and develop. That's one thing I'm really good at! I know the challenges along the way are part of the purification process, the burning away of anything that doesn't serve the greater good. It's easy to sit on a mountain (or in my case a one bedroom apartment with your cat) and think you're pretty enlightened. That's what I love about Thich Nhat Hanh's idea of "engaged Buddhism" and the instruction given to Krishnamacharya by his guru that he become a householder (one with a wife and family) rather than a renunciate as other yogis had been up to that time. It's in the flow of life that impurities come to the surface ~ never to harm, always for healing and an ultimately more expansive life. Understanding this tells me a huge blessing is working itself out here. I trust that implicitly especially in the moments that push me to my edge.

Lately I've been remember these words attributed to Christ Jesus, "...with God all things are possible", and realizing it says "possible," not "easy."

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#withgodallthingsarepossible #stepparent #instafamily #stretched #intheflow #tapas

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