Monday, June 30, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave #dailylightwave

Over the weekend I saw the distinction that boundaries tend to be conscious choices that help our lives expand; whereas limitations tend to be unconscious choices (though they almost always feel like they're being imposed from the outside) that keep us from moving forward. This new awareness is helping me so much that I wanted to share it. Noticing the difference between a boundary and a limitation, gives me more freedom to question the limits and remove them; while gladly accepting boundaries that support an expansive direction for my life.

A really empowering shift occurs when we start to notice the difference between a boundary and a limitation - realizing that boundaries stem from the higher nature while limitation stems from ego patterns. Without this awareness we do ourselves a disservice by often resisting boundaries and willingly accepting limitations.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

This morning I heard our dog Samantha let out one of the most fierce growls ever. When I turned to look, I realized she was protecting her knuckle bone (no she's not vegan yet!) from our cat Sultan -- who would never want the knuckle bone in a million years. From my perspective, I could see the fear at play and it sparked today's #dailylightwave. In the same way that I can see her fears as ungrounded in reality, I know from a higher vantage point of intelligence my fears and insecurities look so silly as well. The belief in lack is one of humanity's learning points and is still an ongoing one for me. Depending on our human history, we grapple with it in an individual way, but I think it's there for everyone to a certain point. After I read what I wrote today something attributed to Jesus in what's known as the Sermon on the Mount, came to mind: "...the very hairs of your head are all numbered." To me, that says every little thing has been accounted for in a way that you could never measure or account for. Trust this implicitly. Aahhh yes TRUST. That's the key and when I get a sense of the power I'm trusting in, it becomes much easier to do.That's exactly what spiritual study and practices help me to do. Then like that old spaghetti sauce commercial from the 1980's (Prego I think) where the Italian father, skeptical to see his son making marinara from a jar, begins listing all the ingredients for a successful sauce, and to each item his son replies in a heavy Italian accent, "Hey Pop, it's in there"; when the doubtful mind questions me as to whether I have what I need, I too can say with confidence - "It's in there!" I'm ready-made, encoded with all I need to fulfill my life's purpose and to thrive. Yes, yes, yes!

Why would an intelligent and loving Source launch something into being without providing it with even the tiniest thing it needs to survive and thrive? The belief that we are deprived of anything needful and all its visible manifestations is a human delusion,  an imposition on reality ~ not reality.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#sermononthemount #eastmeetswest #fearnot #overcomelack #claimabundance #youhaveallyouneed #itsinthere

Friday, June 27, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

Today's #dailylightwave is inspred by one of the shots I caught yesterday on our road trip up north at 75 miles per hour. I was so moved by the different landscapes along the way and touched by earth's beauty in a profound way. It occurred to me that we should be highly skeptical of anything which takes away from the beauty or adds ugliness to the earth. As we drove passed the oil drills, I thought of how much more beautiful and less intrusive wind and solar energy sources are in contrast. I had never thought of it this way before but I think beauty could be a very important point when it comes to discerning the best choices in caring for our planet.

The earth is incredibly beautiful on her own. As her inhabitants, we are here to protect and enhance that beauty, not to destroy it.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#motherearth #careforourplanet #earthisbeautiful #preservebeauty

Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

Watch a YouTube clip of Thich Nhat Hanh and you'll see today's #dailylightwave in practice. The peace he exudes is so powerful that immediately calms me. I can feel his conscious connection with his center that brings me into that place as well. If I can emulate that in a degree I've done something worth doing and my life becomes a creation rather than a snowballing, out of control series of reactions.

Living as if you are your thoughts is mindless; living as the awareness of your thoughts is mindful and empowers you to craft a conscious life that stems from your center rather than just your personality.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#thichnhathanh #alignedwithyourcenter #beyondpersonality #consciouslife #mindful #beawareness

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

Only a few letters difference but big difference and a huge, giant continual lesson for me that's embodied in today's #dailylightwave.

Don't be so attached to your reactions that you lose the power to respond.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#respond #freefromreaction

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave #dailylightwave

As I hiked last night, images of choices I've made in the past started to flood into my thinking. Looking at them more objectively I could see that these actions revealed what I was committed to at any given moment. The choices I repeated show what I truly value above and beyond all else. Regardless of what I was saying I wanted at these times, the actions showed what I was up for. This is still true and it goes for both the choices that serve my evolution and the ones that don't

One simple action reveals what you're committed to more than a thousand complicated words.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga


Monday, June 23, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

I notice my Daily Lightwaves are running a common theme lately. Everything I share is what I'm learning and this theme of staying unified with my center is a big one for me right now. Today's #dailylightwave came to me last week in a private yoga session. I had just gotten the student into savasana (final rest pose) when the phone started ringing, neighbors began riding loud dirt bikes, dog barking,  etc. I found myself saying something similar to what I've written today to the student. As I pondered this idea afterwards it really stayed with me and I realized it's true for more than just savasana. I love how the asana practice aspect of yoga offers so many metaphors for the whole of human experience.

Anything that shows up as a distraction, nuisance, disturbance, or burden isn't there to pull you off center; it's actually inviting you to connect more fully to your center. If you were at one with the place of peace inside yourself, whatever it is wouldn't have shown up as a disturbance.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#asanametaphors #nothingcandisturbyou #connecttocenter #innerpeace

Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

Wow today's #dailylightwave seemed to come out of nowhere yesterday at the end of an evening out with friends. Maybe it was the consciously prepared food and all the inspiring art and ideas at Mary's Secret Garden in Ventura that paved the way. I don't know but it's so powerful to me and I hope it is for you too. I can literally see everything in a new way from this point of recognition. I can see things (especially what's felt really bad, wrong, and victimizing) with gratitude because I understand in a different way why it was all sent. From what I've experienced to this point, the self can't master the self; it has to yield itself to something greater, to a higher consciousness. This is something I'll be contemplating for a while as it transforms my connection with why I'm here and what I need to do.

You didn't come here to learn how to control other people and circumstances; you came here to learn self-control or mastery over the self. When past and present circumstances and relationships are viewed through this awareness everything changes.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#selfmastery #selfcontrol

Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

Today's #dailylightwave came through driving along side a U.S. military convoy on my way to Ventura yesterday. Bob Marley said something similar in Redemption Song: "Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery; None but ourselves can free our mind."

No army is powerful enough to win the battle against our own minds. Only a separation of the self from destructive tendencies and a conscious union with Love can do that. As this is done individually, there will be peace collectively. That's the only battle worth waging and no one is exempt.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#mentalemancipation #mentalfreedom #warwithfalseself #unionwithlove

Friday, June 20, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave #dailylightwave

Diligently noticing what I automatically validate and give my consent to is an eye opening practice. Maybe you'll find it helpful too.

Anything can confront you, but only what you validate and give your consent to can influence your life. In this way, you have more power than you may have been aware of up to this point in shaping the kind of life you desire.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#whatdoyouvalidate #howdoyouconsent #shapethelifeyoudesire

Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The human mind is a mechanism. It's programmed like a computer. Each individual has their own program based on conditioning from family, environment, education, culture, gender, etc. Most of this is unconscious. We don't know our programming until a button gets pushed and we see our reaction. To put it another way, if I squeeze an orange, orange juice is going to come out. I don't make the juice, I just squeeze the orange. In the same way, when people and circumstances squeeze us, they are not responsible for what comes out - be it love, anger, hate, revenge, resentment, compassion, etc. (This is based on an analogy used by Wayne Dyer.) When what comes out is aligned with our true nature, awesome! When it's not that becomes the point of opportunity for growth. This is where many people, hit the road jack. They blame the people or the circumstances rather than looking at themselves.

Lately I've been seeing some of my own programming and it's not a pretty sight. It can be hard to see things that have been dormant. If it weren't for my conviction that there is a force for Good working in my life, I would probably run, retreat, or give up completely. But I know from experience (not theory) what comes from staying in the game in times like this. I already feel a deep transformation happening and am beginning to realize that this is life's way of connecting me more fully to my unprovoke-able center.

The real strength lies in knowing from the outset that the "I" was there before the programming and it will not only survive the programs, but the "I" (my essence and your essence, my real identity and yours) will prevail over and transcend them. The revealing is never to destroy us, but always to support our growth. The grappling makes us stronger and connects us more fully with who we are at the core. The ONLY way we can lose is if we give up. Take courage and don't give up.

Mental mastery is when you can see a thought or an impulse before you act on it and make a conscious choice about whether it's worth following.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#dailylightwave #mentalmastery

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

For me, today's #dailylightwave is the crux of it all. It's where the rubber meets the road on the spiritual path. It takes consecrated effort and in my experience, a willingness to recognize a higher consciousness because the human mind is incapable of undoing its own patterns. As Einstein put it, we can't solve a problem using the same mind that created it (that's a paraphrase). If we really desire to do the work and transform from the inside out, we'll be guided to the methods we need every step of the way. Eventually there's a refining that occurs and it becomes less arduous and more fun to engage in the adventure of dismantling the false self. Hooray!

Don't change circumstances.  Change your mind. When your mind is different, it's inevitable that your circumstances will follow. However, if you change your circumstances without changing your mind, things might look different for a while, but you'll always recreate what's most fixed in your mind.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga.

#higherconsciousness #Einstein #dismantleself #dothework #lesstalkmoreaction #insideoutchange #changeyourmindchangeyourlife

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

Today's #dailylightwave is such a powerful practice and I forget to do it on a regular basis. It really is true that we see what we're looking for so why not look for what's in alignment with what we desire rather than for the opposite?

Don't let one speck of love, support, supply, or beauty go undetected today. Actively look for these things, remembering that what you look for is magnified - the more you look for it, the more it shows up.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#powerofawareness #whatyoulookforiswhatyousee

Monday, June 16, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave #dailylightwave

You might not be able to control the waves, but you can learn to be a better surfer.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave

For one ray of inspiration that lights up my mind, I would trade even my most cherished and fixed notions.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga


Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave #dailylightwave

We're here to create not to consume,
to cooperate not to compete.
When we as individuals live from this place, the constructs that would have it otherwise will have no choice but to follow.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

Friday, June 13, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave

I might not have a lot of the things money can buy, but I have even more things that money can't buy and I wouldn't trade one of them for all the money in the world.
Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#cantbuymelove #dailylightwave

Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

Today's #dailylightwave expresses as best I can with words a visualization I've been doing lately where I separate myself from externals to connect more fully with who I am at the core. I notice as I come back from this place I am more aware of what all the functions of my body represent in a universal way. This helps me recognize the physical as a visible expression of invisible Love. What else could maintain such an intricate, life-supporting setup?! As I engage with my body in this way, I realize and experience it more fully as an instrument of this Love rather than a source of suffering.

I have no eyes, yet I see
no ears, yet I hear
no throat, yet I'm singing
no brain, but I'm conscious
there are no lungs, but I'm breathing
no heart, yet I am alive
I have no legs, but I still move freely
All that I thought was me is gone
and yet I'm still here

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#bodylesslife #beyondphysicality #bodyaslove

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

Here's my #dailylightwave. I hope it inspires you!

Do it badly.
Do it wrong.
But please do it any way.
Once in motion you can be steered,
but there's little possibility for feet stuck in the mud of doubt and fear.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#doitanyway #motionispossibility #dontstaystuck

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave

A dream is a resilient spark of divinity that resides within you. You can't kill it. It will bounce back over and over again until it is realized.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#dailylightwave #dreams #sparkofdivinity #resilience

Sunday, June 8, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The #dailylightwave

here is there
there is here
because wherever you go
there you are
you are me and
I am you
this is that and
that is this
one is all and
all is one
the center of me is
the center of all
it is everything in me
and me in everything
from that place
I am connected ~
to outside~in.
Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga.

Human consciousness is evolving, leaving the #Newtonian model that said parts make up the whole and accepting the #quantum model that sees the whole in every part. The renowned 19th Century scientist #LouisAgassiz was way ahead of his time when he reported seeing the universe in a vulture's ovum. Stem cell biologist #BruceLipton is a modern day vigil for this understanding. Coming from a traditional scientific background, he makes this information easily understood by the lay person. His book, #TheBiologyofBelief, is a very thought-provoking read. The intersecting of science and #spirituality just might be what ultimately helps us let go of the belief that we're localized, separate beings and strengthens us to actually practice the #unconditionallove that all great #sages have admonished us is necessary for #salvation.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave ♡

This morning I was up before dawn. I love experiencing the natural light of the sun coming up, but today I turned on a light so I could see to read from a book. As the sun got brighter, I proportionately dimmed the artificial light until I could turn it off completely. This process struck a chord with me, gave me one of those "aha" moments, and inspired today's #dailylightwave. Once again my plan thwarted by the moment!

Find the dawn within yourself and no matter how dark your surroundings, you'll never be without the LIGHT.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#lightwithin #naturallight #findthedawninyou #lightupyoursurroundings #bethelight

Friday, June 6, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

In a world overly attached to the five physical senses, I find this idea helpful to keep me awake. We're educated to question the validity of what can't be seen and to accept without question what we can see. This keeps us trapped in sense reality only, which is the tip of the iceberg and a very inaccurate one at that. Learning to trust the unseen is part of spiritual evolution. This is how the unmanifest becomes manifest.

The Daily Lightwave #dailylightwave

Not everything we can see is real; and not everything we can't see is unreal.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#realandunreal #seenandunseen #trusttheunseen #questiontheseen #manifestyourvision #innervision #fivesenseperception #sensereality #wakingdream

Thursday, June 5, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The background on today's #dailylightwave is a photo of the labyrinth entrance taken yesterday at Tuna Canyon~the site of this coming Sunday's sunset yoga hike. 

Restoring our awareness of the sacred connection between humankind and the Earth is not only necessary for our survival, but also for our salvation. What's one action I can take today, one way I can alter my life (if needed) to better show my love for our planet?
Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

Native American cultures may not have been as technologically advanced as we are, but they were far more sophisticated in their understanding of nature, the universe, and the invisible yet intricate connection of all life. They understood, as did Jesus, Buddha, and many other visionaries, what quantum physics is now helping the modern, western mind recognize and accept. From the moment I moved to Southern California and began spending more time in nature (after living in Manhattan for 12 years), I began to connect more with the Native American spirit. I don't think I've ever been out on the trail here without contemplating and reflecting on their culture and the way it was devalued by the "white man." Whenever I contemplate the issues we're facing as a race, I'm more and more convinced, that we must return to many of the ideals and practices that we thought we could eradicate and live without. It can feel overwhelming some times to feel the magnitude of what we're dealing with on our planet. In order to remain grounded, I have to bring it back to myself and what small steps I can take that contribute to transformation. Little things like using biodegradable trash bags, greatly reducing my use of plastics, using less water, buying from green companies, standing up for environmental causes when it feels right, and taking every opportunity to express love and gratitude for any natural environment I find myself in are ways I actively show love for Mother Earth. We really are all in this together. Don't ever believe that what you, as an individual, do, think, and say doesn't matter. It does matter. And it does make a difference. You make a difference!

#lovetheplanet #livegreen #motherearth #nativeamericanspirit #salvation #greenpractices #reducereuserecycle #jesus #buddha #visionairies #quantumphysics #youmatter #youmakeadifference

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Daily Lightwave ~ Opinion vs. Inspiration with Meditation Practice

The Daily Lightwave

A mind full of opinions has little room for inspiration.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga ~ #lightwave

Recently (like this morning in fact!) I was engaging in my meditation practice and realized all I was doing was rehearsing opinions over and over again in my head. I couldn't seem to get out of this cycle, so I began to picture my mind as a room. Every time an opinion crossed my awareness, I put it to the right or left side of my mental space. After a few minutes, both sides of my room were piled high with opinions and there was a beautiful open clearing in the middle that was now available for something NEW.  Dwelling in that space, I  began to hear the voice beyond sound, beyond thought. I found my connection to the Center. My whole body relaxed and there was peace. That place of peace is also the place of possibility and brings clarity to the human realm like nothing else. From there I can take guided, intelligent, and spontaneous action that's free from opinion's illusory limitations.  This was so simple and unfolded so organically for me that I thought I would share it in the hopes that it might also help others. Trading in opinions - especially the ones that have been around for a long time collecting dust - for inspiration opens all kinds of doorways.

#meditation #opinionless #emptying #practice #findyourcenter #guidedaction #voicewithin #tradeopinionforinspiration

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave #dailylightwave
Less clinging, more connection

The less I cling to any one channel, the more connected I feel with Source Itself.
- Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#source #noclinging #letgo #infinity #connecttosource

Monday, June 2, 2014

The Daily Lightwave ♡

You've failed at fitting in.
You've failed at being normal.
Now you can succeed at being YOU!

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga.

#beyou #dontbenormal #dontfitin #youstandout #youareheretobeyou #dailylightwave

Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

Today's #dailylightwave came to me recently when I was about to hop on one of those trains. It was very empowering to realize I didn't have to buy the ticket. This isn't a one time only deal.  It's a constant practice, but it's so worth it. Let's ride rhe trains that actually take us to the places we desire to go!

Only you can stop buying tickets to the trains of thought you know you shouldn't be riding.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#trainofthought #choose #bealert #dontbuyit #keepyourmindclear, #freeyourmind #chooseyourthoughts