Sunday, June 8, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The #dailylightwave

here is there
there is here
because wherever you go
there you are
you are me and
I am you
this is that and
that is this
one is all and
all is one
the center of me is
the center of all
it is everything in me
and me in everything
from that place
I am connected ~
to outside~in.
Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga.

Human consciousness is evolving, leaving the #Newtonian model that said parts make up the whole and accepting the #quantum model that sees the whole in every part. The renowned 19th Century scientist #LouisAgassiz was way ahead of his time when he reported seeing the universe in a vulture's ovum. Stem cell biologist #BruceLipton is a modern day vigil for this understanding. Coming from a traditional scientific background, he makes this information easily understood by the lay person. His book, #TheBiologyofBelief, is a very thought-provoking read. The intersecting of science and #spirituality just might be what ultimately helps us let go of the belief that we're localized, separate beings and strengthens us to actually practice the #unconditionallove that all great #sages have admonished us is necessary for #salvation.

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