Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

Today's #dailylightwave expresses as best I can with words a visualization I've been doing lately where I separate myself from externals to connect more fully with who I am at the core. I notice as I come back from this place I am more aware of what all the functions of my body represent in a universal way. This helps me recognize the physical as a visible expression of invisible Love. What else could maintain such an intricate, life-supporting setup?! As I engage with my body in this way, I realize and experience it more fully as an instrument of this Love rather than a source of suffering.

I have no eyes, yet I see
no ears, yet I hear
no throat, yet I'm singing
no brain, but I'm conscious
there are no lungs, but I'm breathing
no heart, yet I am alive
I have no legs, but I still move freely
All that I thought was me is gone
and yet I'm still here

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#bodylesslife #beyondphysicality #bodyaslove

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