Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Daily Lightwave ~ Opinion vs. Inspiration with Meditation Practice

The Daily Lightwave

A mind full of opinions has little room for inspiration.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga ~ #lightwave

Recently (like this morning in fact!) I was engaging in my meditation practice and realized all I was doing was rehearsing opinions over and over again in my head. I couldn't seem to get out of this cycle, so I began to picture my mind as a room. Every time an opinion crossed my awareness, I put it to the right or left side of my mental space. After a few minutes, both sides of my room were piled high with opinions and there was a beautiful open clearing in the middle that was now available for something NEW.  Dwelling in that space, I  began to hear the voice beyond sound, beyond thought. I found my connection to the Center. My whole body relaxed and there was peace. That place of peace is also the place of possibility and brings clarity to the human realm like nothing else. From there I can take guided, intelligent, and spontaneous action that's free from opinion's illusory limitations.  This was so simple and unfolded so organically for me that I thought I would share it in the hopes that it might also help others. Trading in opinions - especially the ones that have been around for a long time collecting dust - for inspiration opens all kinds of doorways.

#meditation #opinionless #emptying #practice #findyourcenter #guidedaction #voicewithin #tradeopinionforinspiration

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