Thursday, June 5, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The background on today's #dailylightwave is a photo of the labyrinth entrance taken yesterday at Tuna Canyon~the site of this coming Sunday's sunset yoga hike. 

Restoring our awareness of the sacred connection between humankind and the Earth is not only necessary for our survival, but also for our salvation. What's one action I can take today, one way I can alter my life (if needed) to better show my love for our planet?
Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

Native American cultures may not have been as technologically advanced as we are, but they were far more sophisticated in their understanding of nature, the universe, and the invisible yet intricate connection of all life. They understood, as did Jesus, Buddha, and many other visionaries, what quantum physics is now helping the modern, western mind recognize and accept. From the moment I moved to Southern California and began spending more time in nature (after living in Manhattan for 12 years), I began to connect more with the Native American spirit. I don't think I've ever been out on the trail here without contemplating and reflecting on their culture and the way it was devalued by the "white man." Whenever I contemplate the issues we're facing as a race, I'm more and more convinced, that we must return to many of the ideals and practices that we thought we could eradicate and live without. It can feel overwhelming some times to feel the magnitude of what we're dealing with on our planet. In order to remain grounded, I have to bring it back to myself and what small steps I can take that contribute to transformation. Little things like using biodegradable trash bags, greatly reducing my use of plastics, using less water, buying from green companies, standing up for environmental causes when it feels right, and taking every opportunity to express love and gratitude for any natural environment I find myself in are ways I actively show love for Mother Earth. We really are all in this together. Don't ever believe that what you, as an individual, do, think, and say doesn't matter. It does matter. And it does make a difference. You make a difference!

#lovetheplanet #livegreen #motherearth #nativeamericanspirit #salvation #greenpractices #reducereuserecycle #jesus #buddha #visionairies #quantumphysics #youmatter #youmakeadifference

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