Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The human mind is a mechanism. It's programmed like a computer. Each individual has their own program based on conditioning from family, environment, education, culture, gender, etc. Most of this is unconscious. We don't know our programming until a button gets pushed and we see our reaction. To put it another way, if I squeeze an orange, orange juice is going to come out. I don't make the juice, I just squeeze the orange. In the same way, when people and circumstances squeeze us, they are not responsible for what comes out - be it love, anger, hate, revenge, resentment, compassion, etc. (This is based on an analogy used by Wayne Dyer.) When what comes out is aligned with our true nature, awesome! When it's not that becomes the point of opportunity for growth. This is where many people, hit the road jack. They blame the people or the circumstances rather than looking at themselves.

Lately I've been seeing some of my own programming and it's not a pretty sight. It can be hard to see things that have been dormant. If it weren't for my conviction that there is a force for Good working in my life, I would probably run, retreat, or give up completely. But I know from experience (not theory) what comes from staying in the game in times like this. I already feel a deep transformation happening and am beginning to realize that this is life's way of connecting me more fully to my unprovoke-able center.

The real strength lies in knowing from the outset that the "I" was there before the programming and it will not only survive the programs, but the "I" (my essence and your essence, my real identity and yours) will prevail over and transcend them. The revealing is never to destroy us, but always to support our growth. The grappling makes us stronger and connects us more fully with who we are at the core. The ONLY way we can lose is if we give up. Take courage and don't give up.

Mental mastery is when you can see a thought or an impulse before you act on it and make a conscious choice about whether it's worth following.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#dailylightwave #mentalmastery

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