Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

This morning I heard our dog Samantha let out one of the most fierce growls ever. When I turned to look, I realized she was protecting her knuckle bone (no she's not vegan yet!) from our cat Sultan -- who would never want the knuckle bone in a million years. From my perspective, I could see the fear at play and it sparked today's #dailylightwave. In the same way that I can see her fears as ungrounded in reality, I know from a higher vantage point of intelligence my fears and insecurities look so silly as well. The belief in lack is one of humanity's learning points and is still an ongoing one for me. Depending on our human history, we grapple with it in an individual way, but I think it's there for everyone to a certain point. After I read what I wrote today something attributed to Jesus in what's known as the Sermon on the Mount, came to mind: "...the very hairs of your head are all numbered." To me, that says every little thing has been accounted for in a way that you could never measure or account for. Trust this implicitly. Aahhh yes TRUST. That's the key and when I get a sense of the power I'm trusting in, it becomes much easier to do.That's exactly what spiritual study and practices help me to do. Then like that old spaghetti sauce commercial from the 1980's (Prego I think) where the Italian father, skeptical to see his son making marinara from a jar, begins listing all the ingredients for a successful sauce, and to each item his son replies in a heavy Italian accent, "Hey Pop, it's in there"; when the doubtful mind questions me as to whether I have what I need, I too can say with confidence - "It's in there!" I'm ready-made, encoded with all I need to fulfill my life's purpose and to thrive. Yes, yes, yes!

Why would an intelligent and loving Source launch something into being without providing it with even the tiniest thing it needs to survive and thrive? The belief that we are deprived of anything needful and all its visible manifestations is a human delusion,  an imposition on reality ~ not reality.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#sermononthemount #eastmeetswest #fearnot #overcomelack #claimabundance #youhaveallyouneed #itsinthere

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