Thursday, March 10, 2016

Luscious Lightwave

Luscious Lightwave

The mind loves to label because then it no longer has to try to really see what's before it.

There's a Pratyahara practice given in one of BKS Iyengar's books that focuses on withdrawing from the labels the senses put on everything. The second something is labeled the journey of discovery is over. This is very comforting to the complacent mind but debilitating to the soul. It cuts us off from expanding and imprisons us in the same pattern of perception. Try not labeling for a day. Even simple things like flowers, road signs, bodily sensations. What would you realize about these things if you approached them with a spirit of inquiry? The more familiar, the more challenging it is to do this. Try it close, long-term relationships. What's there to perceive is never-ending. Things only seem limited when we cease to SEE them.

Alison Bristow
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#lusciouslightwave #pratyahara #labelslimit #expansion #discernment  #viveka #vidya #dontjustlooksee

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