Saturday, February 27, 2016

Luscious Lightwave

Luscious Lightwave 💖

Where in my life am I choosing comfort over expansion?

This question came up for me this week as I delved into the kleshas in my practice and teaching. Specifically attachment  (raga) and aversion  (dvesa). I think it's a perpetual question that never gets old since the human psyche is prone to seek and settle with status quo. Of course the unbridled human ego may take this to the extreme and think it always means some big change like switching  careers, leaving a marriage, having an affair, moving to a third world country, etc. And sometimes it might, but more often expansion is subtle but no less powerful.  It may look like taking an art class, finally making a deep need known to a friend or beloved, asking your employer for a raise or promotion. The bigness of it is less important than the authenticity and it always involves the simultaneous workings of letting go and courage. We, like the universe, are ever-expanding and it's important to let this awareness govern the human self so it doesn't hold us hostage to habits of comfort and ease at the expense of our growth.

Alison Bristow
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#lusciouslightwave #dailylightwave #garudasanavariation #dvesa #raga #kleshas #expansion

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