Saturday, February 27, 2016

Luscious Lightwave

Luscious Lightwave 💖

Where in my life am I choosing comfort over expansion?

This question came up for me this week as I delved into the kleshas in my practice and teaching. Specifically attachment  (raga) and aversion  (dvesa). I think it's a perpetual question that never gets old since the human psyche is prone to seek and settle with status quo. Of course the unbridled human ego may take this to the extreme and think it always means some big change like switching  careers, leaving a marriage, having an affair, moving to a third world country, etc. And sometimes it might, but more often expansion is subtle but no less powerful.  It may look like taking an art class, finally making a deep need known to a friend or beloved, asking your employer for a raise or promotion. The bigness of it is less important than the authenticity and it always involves the simultaneous workings of letting go and courage. We, like the universe, are ever-expanding and it's important to let this awareness govern the human self so it doesn't hold us hostage to habits of comfort and ease at the expense of our growth.

Alison Bristow
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#lusciouslightwave #dailylightwave #garudasanavariation #dvesa #raga #kleshas #expansion

Friday, February 19, 2016

Luscious Lightwave

Luscious Lightwave 💖

The transition from using spirituality to control circumstances to using every circumstance to purify and advance spiritually is necessary on the path towards awakening.

Some of the most challenging moments of my life thus far have been experienced in a courtroom going thru divorce and other related legal proceedings. These times showed me loud and clear where I was susceptible to what might be considered lower vibrational mental and emotional states - especially fear. This past week, though, I had a breakthrough. As I was driving to the court house, I found myself mentally asking that this situation be used to purify me from fear. And I really felt a burning desire for that. I released any attachment to a particular outcome.  This wave of freedom came over me. It was incredible! Throughout the proceedings, I practiced yielding and sacrificing any fearful tendencies that came up. Doing this allowed me to be  predominantly in a state of confidence, courage, and humility. I will always see this purification process as the real and forever win that day.

Alison Bristow
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#lusciouslightwave #dailylightwave

Sunday, February 14, 2016

The Luscious Lightwave

Luscious Lightwave 💖

We learn as much  (if not more) about real Love from the bitter experiences as from the sweet.

(Photo by Roy Dunn)

Alison Bristow
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#lusciouslightwave #dailylightwave
#anahata #unstruck #heartgreen

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

A Luscious Lightwave 💖

A Luscious Lightwave 💖

You're here to love yourself not judge yourself.

Yesterday was a great reminder of this message for me. I found myself in a black box theatre doing solo show work again! Seriously thought that part of my life was over but in the last 6 weeks it's reemerged. Apparently Life has some stories left to tell through me and from a whole new perspective. It's been so long I'd forgotten how the naysayer-critic becomes loudest when we exercise our creativity. Thankfully the voice of self love is louder now and comes to my rescue. It was so powerful to feel that yesterday. There are plenty of critics out there who are more than willing to judge our work, especially when it's different and original. The last thing we need is to add to that. Self love is educated out of us pretty early and has to be re-learned and when it is it becomes or greatest ally.

Alison Bristow
Lightwave Healing & Yoga #lusciouslightwave #dailylightwave #selflove #honoryourcreativity #ahimsa

Saturday, February 6, 2016

The Luscious Lightwave

Luscious Lightwave 💖

The certainty within a woman's psyche lies in the intuitive not the logical.

Today's message inspired by "Women Who Run with thw Wolves." As a woman, chances are your intuition has been very inconvenient to the people (especially the men) in your life. This innate divine connection we have as women is trained out of us very early. Note I'm talking about intuition not's our task as women to develop until we recognize the difference. Men have access to intuition too of course. But for the masculine essence, logic is more dominant so the intuitive side has to be brought out. For women (the feminine essence) intuition is natural but because we live in a patriarchal society where things are viewed through a masculine lens, we can easily come to doubt that mysterious force into oblivion. It's up to us to recover, repair, and reinstate our intuition to the throne of our psyche. This we do not predominantly for ourselves but to pass on to our young for the evolution of humankind.

Alison Bristow
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #lusciouslightwave #womenwhorunwiththewolves

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

It's not what happens to you,
it's your story about it that
determines whether the experience
will add to the suffering or liberation of humankind.

I've always believed this but now I'm understanding it in a whole new way based in experience. And an ounce of experience is worth a pound of theory! (Can you find Sultan the fluffy feline?)

Alison Bristow
Lightwave Healing & Yoga #dailylightwave #skandasana #bhumisparshamudra  #earthwitnessmudra #dukhaorsukha

The Luscious Lightwave

The Luscious Lightwave 💖

A teacher is one who is skilled at helping others rediscover what they already know.

I realized this yesterday as I was teaching and it still overwhelms me with inexplicable awe.

And this incredible photo is by the ever talented one and onlyRoy Dunnn taken atInner Power Yogaa

Alison Bristow
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#lusciouslightwave #dailylightwave #garudasana #eaglepose