Wednesday, February 10, 2016

A Luscious Lightwave 💖

A Luscious Lightwave 💖

You're here to love yourself not judge yourself.

Yesterday was a great reminder of this message for me. I found myself in a black box theatre doing solo show work again! Seriously thought that part of my life was over but in the last 6 weeks it's reemerged. Apparently Life has some stories left to tell through me and from a whole new perspective. It's been so long I'd forgotten how the naysayer-critic becomes loudest when we exercise our creativity. Thankfully the voice of self love is louder now and comes to my rescue. It was so powerful to feel that yesterday. There are plenty of critics out there who are more than willing to judge our work, especially when it's different and original. The last thing we need is to add to that. Self love is educated out of us pretty early and has to be re-learned and when it is it becomes or greatest ally.

Alison Bristow
Lightwave Healing & Yoga #lusciouslightwave #dailylightwave #selflove #honoryourcreativity #ahimsa

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