Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

According to the yoga sutras the purpose of an asana practice is to take us beyond duality. We use the opposites in order to transcend them. This supports yoga's ultimate goal - union with the True Self (which some might say is Truth Itself). Absolute Truth can never be found at the level of five sense perception. It's no accident that the world of the senses is often referred to as the "waking dream." It makes sense that someone like Albert Einstein, who ushered in a sense of reality far beyond what science had known before, spent hours in a meditative state. The profound truths in all scripture came through people who did the same. If your eye is single, your whole body will be full of light...this is a paraphrase of something attributed to Jesus in the gospels. That "single eye" or one-pointed focus that is the goal of the advanced stages of yoga and all spirituality is where Truth dwells. Like Light includes all colors, but is not any one of them, so Truth includes all states and stages of consciousness, yet transcends each them all.

Truth exists independent of all mental constructs. It is recognized in the moments when human consciousness transcends duality.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
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