Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

(In light of current events, I'm sharing tomorrow's message a day early. Love and peace to all!)

All day I'd been hearing about the Grand Jury decision surrounding Eric Garner, including several email requests to sign petitions. Toward evening when I had time to slow down I began to deal with all the impressions I was left with from the day. I had just finished an article on pratyahara - the practice of turning inward and away from external stimuli. Amid feelings of frustration, sadness, grief, and indignation, I knew I had to actively practice what I'd been preaching in that article. So I sat down, closed my eyes, and immediately the Bible verse that describes Jesus' version of pratyahara started repeating itself to me. To paraphrase, this is what it said, "enter into the closet and shut the door and pray to your Father/Mother in secret and your Father/Mother that sees in secret will answer you openly." As often happens when I get still and really FEEL the Presence, tears started to flood and I was lifted out of the micro and into a Macro view of the cosmos where I could see that the high profile injustice coming to the surface was coming as a result of a widespread awakening in human consciousness. In fact, it could only be seen because of the great goodness it was contrasting. Then the Pledge of Allegiance came to me like a prayer and I saw the universal Truth of it and how it has to apply to everyone if it applies to anyone. This heart opening inspiration took shape in my body with camel pose, ustrasana. The pose literally did me! I know it's ugly right now, but the muck has to come to the surface so it can be cleared away. That's what's happening. Let's take heart, keep being and doing good, and yield our minds to the force of Love rather than the force of hate -- even towards those who appear to be villains right now. In the big picture (and who wants to settle for the little picture), Love always wins.

"One nation, under God, with liberty and justice for ALL" is revealed Truth meant for all nations and races.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #universaljustice #justiceforall #onenation #onerace #nocolor #light #namaste #lovewins #bigpicture #ustrasana #camelpose #heartopener #anahata #yoga #union #oneness #universalallegiance #youmakeadifference #begood #dogood #youmatter #downwithdiscouragement

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