Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

The five physical senses tell us the sky and the ocean touch, that people and objects shrink as we move farther away from them, the earth is flat, and the sun orbits the earth - to name a few. These notions we automatically correct because we know they are illusions. And there are many other such things that are so widely believed that we don't even question them. I won't mention them here because you might say I was crazy, but all the great masters have known this. That's why they were able to do the things on the earthly plain that many call miracles. One of my favorite of the 8 limbs of yoga these days is Pratyahara, simply translated as disengaging from the five physical senses. This really is a pivotal practice in moving towards advanced yoga. Questioning stimuli and our own labels is the beginning of new possibilities. Otherwise we're stuck in a construct of our own creating. I took this picture yesterday showing purvottanasana or intense stretch to the east. It's very fitting for this concept because east is the direction of the morning's first light and represents stepping out of the darkness of ignorance into the light of intelligent awareness. This kind of discernment leads to spiritual progress.

Learning to disbelieve visible falsity with the same conviction we disbelieve invisible falsity is key to mastering the five physical senses.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
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