Friday, November 28, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

Isn't today's message what every scripture, self help philosophy, and guru have been trying to tell us for years? Yet, if you're like me, you keep getting fooled into thinking it's the other way around. In my experience, however, this is never the case. Change happens from the inside out. I had another powerful reminder of this recently where I was in a negative spiral with a situation in my life. I found myself in a holding pattern, convinced that I had to wait for external things to change before I found my peace. It wasn't until things came to a head and I was forced to do the inner work I was avoiding or lose something very dear to me that I finally did it. And from that moment of commitment things started to shift. Over the next week it was like everything was made new from the inside out. I was freed from reactive patterns evoked by the poking of old, unconscious wounds. And as always the freedom on the other side of this kind of work is exhilarating! Nothing can replace it. So let's actively practice working instead of waiting.

Your life can't change until your mind changes.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #sutras
#bible #scriptures #yamas #niyama #pratipakshabhavanam #pratyahara #dharana #dhyana #samadhi #trueself #highestnature #yogi #trailyoga #inversion #changeyourmindchangeyourlife

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