Friday, September 26, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave💖

Grateful for the clear message I heard when I looked at this picture taken a few years ago by my soul sister at my favorite beach in the area, El Matador. The "center" is a goldmine of clarity, possibility, love, and guidance. I'm learning to look there first rather than as a last resort. And instead of making it an occasional destination when turmoil arises, I'm discovering the value of daily, hourly, check-ins so the connection stays firmly established. It takes courage but it's really unavoidable and is a powerful contribution to the whole world. We need more people courageously living out from their center.

Find your center and return to it often. It's your rock in good times and bad.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave  #center #meditation #gowithin #youhaveallyouneed #everyanswerisinsideyou

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