Monday, September 15, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave ♡♡♡

Today's #dailylightwave requires cultivating habits that transcend survival mind. The reptilian brain's main concern is survival so it automatically spotlights everything it perceives as a threat and deletes all the wonders that might distract us from merely preserving our existence. Through spiritual study, meditation,  etc. we can elevate our consciousness beyond this base way of seeing things. One simple practice is to magnify even the tiniest bit of good that crosses our path. Maybe it's someone opening a door for us, finding a quarter on the street, an accident or bad decision averted, or maybe just that we're breathing! There so much amazing goodness right in front of us when we start to look for it.

Use your mental energy to MAGNIFY the GOOD.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

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