Friday, May 9, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

Lately instead of thinking of our government as an entity in and of itself, I've been reminding myself that it's made up of individuals just like me. These individuals have experienced love, loss, joy, sadness. They deal with aches and pains, difficulties and good times in their relationships, and they, like me, ultimately just want to feel happy and safe. This morning a vision came to me. In it I get to stand before each and every member of every branch of government from city, state, to the White House, Senators, Representatives, Supreme Court Justices, mayors, etc. We face each other and I hold my hands in prayer, bow my head and say "Namaste" just like I do at the end of each yoga class I teach. "Namaste" - the Light within me sees and honors the Light within you. In doing that, I acknowledge that there is light, however covered it may be or however far removed that individual might feel from the Light within them, in that one word, I acknowledge with conviction that it is there. I doubt that I will actually be able to physically carry out this vision, but I can carry it out to some degree in my own mind. When I'm tempted to let the evidence of corruption bring me into a state of sadness, anger, resentment, hopelessness, despair, I can remember that those states of consciousness have rarely if ever solved any problem. I can remember that corruption is the culprit, not people. Yes people, who have lost connection with the Light within them do unwittingly lend themselves as tools for corruption, but ultimately corruption itself is what has to be eradicated. Ultimately the one acting as a channel for corruption will suffer greatly. That's an object for compassion. Because I understand the power of invisible thought, I believe that as more of us sit still and see within our consciousness, each member of government (even if we don't know all their names) feeling the Light within them, that they will begin to feel that too. In this way we withdraw from physical and mental violence. From this place, bold, but non-violent, action can be taken with the conviction that we're uncovering Light, not fighting darkness. We can also look for shining individual examples that are already in positions of power. Many of us may not be called to lobby or take a visible stand against things that greatly need reform in our country and our world. But each of us can take an invisible stand FOR the Light within all things and specifically support that Light unfolding in the individuals that comprise our government. It's much harder to hate an individual when you're looking them in the eye than it is to direct hate at a generic entity called "government". Let's be wise, courageous, and PEACEFUL warriors. Let's say "Namaste" and know that this has power beyond measure. And let's extend this beyond our nation into the world.

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