Saturday, May 10, 2014

The Daily Lightwave ~ Rethinking Science

Studying Walter Isaacson's biography on Albert Einstein (which by the way is taking forever because I'm reading like 5 books at a time!), has me thinking about what real science is. I'm coming to admire scientists like Socrates, Galileo, Einstein, Max Planck, Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton, and Deepak Chopra - to name a few. These individuals were and are, it seems to me, genuinely interested in discovering universal truth even at the risk of their own professional reputations and preconceived notions. Much of what we call science today is funded by large companies that want to amass research that supports selling a particular product. I think it's important to be aware of what kind of science we rely on in our choices and even to expand our awareness of what science really is. It's unfortunate that western thought is quick to put anything outside the intellectual realm in a category of "hokus pokus." There are so many examples of things that happen outside the limited model of science predominately adopted by the west that invite us to reconsider our concept of science. As human consciousness continues to evolve, I suspect that this exploration will become ever more important.

#Einstein #realscience #lookfortruth #evolutionofconsciousness #lightwave #dailylightwave

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