Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

Today's Daily Lightwave is inspired by a conversation with my husband a couple of days ago. We were sitting across from each other at the table eating when he stopped and looked into my eyes. He said something like, "Do you think we spend enough time just looking at each other?" And for about a minute or so we gazed into each others' eyes. During that minute I got this expanded sense of who he was and who I am. This might sound weird but I really felt that we were these forces of energy, totally in motion even as we appeared to be sitting at a table. I got a glimpse of our vastness, a feeling of the journey we're on, and it was so beautiful. This made an imprint, a deep impression on my psyche that I know will never leave, and it applies to everyone and everything. As I write this I'm reminded of something I read in Walter Isaacson's biography on Einstein ~ that a man sitting at rest in am arm chair is actually traveling around the sun at 67,000 mph. Wow! It turns out that the veil of the senses is see-through. Keep looking.

#dailylightwave #lightwave

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