Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Whole-Souled Equilibrium

I've lost count of the number of times I've gone into a public restroom to find a woman in the stall next to me throwing up. The cultural imposition of body image upon women is so predominant. This makes one of the most natural and unique to every individual activities often fraught with anxiety and confusion for girls and women. Having been on both sides of the pendulum, I love envisioning and knowing it's within every woman's ability to feel good in her body, to enjoy eating, to embrace her sexuality, and to find her own unique balance with these intricately interwoven aspects of her identity.

This is one of the areas I love supporting girls, teens, and  women in through my coaching work...

The Whole-Souled Woman embodies equilibrium. Her psyche is intolerant of both excess and deficiency.


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