Sunday, September 10, 2017

Take yourself on a date

Do you ever take yourself on a date and notice what you love about being with yourself and how you like to be treated? It's so incredible to love your own company! Always remembering you cannot attract from others anything you don't give to yourself.

1. I don't rush me

2. I let myself order 5 things when I can't decide on one

3. I generously pay for everything

4. I open my door for me

5. I take delight in following random impulses that diverge from the original plan

6. I don't judge me when I break into dance or song in inappropriate places

7. I don't get jealous when I talk to other people or flirt with an attractive man

8. I let myself dance til the cows come home

9. I let myself know how much I appreciate me, the moment, and being alive

10. I don't expect anything from myself at the end of the night

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