Saturday, September 30, 2017

Whole-Souled Sexuality

Once upon a time at summer camp (not band camp) when I was a young girl (not an old woman like now), I heard in a conversation an older woman say how she preferred gardening over sex with her husband. I remember at the time being new in my exploration of sexuality in relationship to others, raising my eyebrows and thinking - "What!? Is she nuts?!" Oddly her words stuck with me and have replayed in my head many times over the years as I've grappled with and observed sexuality from many different angles - pardon the pun.

First of all sexuality and all it represents can't be narrowed to body parts and isolated instances of connection between bodies.Sexual energy is so much bigger than that. But as with all glorious, mysterious, and awe inspiring things unfittable into boxes, we try boxing them any way. I do not remember this woman as embodying femininity. I remember her as more masculine in appearance and rigid if not mildly cranky in attitude. While there's nothing wrong with that, her words were words of resignation with a twinge of resentment. Gardening over intimacy with her husband was a consolation prize, not a celebrated choice.

There are many directions for sexuality to flow. One individual may have dozens of them, hundreds, even thousands...dare I say limitless ways - existence itself and taking a breath counted among them. For me, my first sip of single origin Kenyan coffee in the morning, the sound of Smokey Robinson's silky voice buttering up the high notes, moving my body to a funky bass line or African drum, a first glimpse of the moon on a starry summer night, or a strong, steady, masculine hand on the small of my back - all of these (though not sex per se) have at one time or another given me visceral experiences of sexual delight.

I was recently asked by an attractive man of color at a dance venue if I was Brazilian. "No, I said, but I know why you're asking." He grinned, surprised I think at my candidness. We both knew it was the booty. Who are we kidding?  We smiled at each other and he said, "Man, you're a woman, a real woman." I hunched over, pretending I had a cane, and said, "You mean an old lady." "No!" Was his emphatic reply. "You're truly sexy. Sexy doesn't even begin for a woman until this and this get connected." he said pointing first to his head and then to his heart. I liked his insight and agreed with one addition so I nodded, "You're right - this, this, AND this," I said pointing to my head, my heart, and adding my pelvis.

My response was a natural, matter-of-fact depiction of my own experience in integrating my sexuality. There's no way to leave the pelvis out! Ask Elvis.

Embracing the pelvis has so many literal and symbolic implications. As a woman, the journey of unlocking my pelvic mysteries has been a fascinating one and still continues. As a teacher witnessing the way our bodies reflect psychological and emotional states, I've found the pelvic area to be a great block for many people of both genders. In a yoga class ask people to lift their arm - no problem. But mention or ask for some adjustment or movement in the pelvic area and you can feel the trepidation in the room.

This pelvic disconnect mirrors shame and guilt about our sexuality and it's not natural or innate. It is learned, educated conditioning. No baby shoots out of the womb with any aversion to their pelvis -- quite the opposite. Latin, Mediterranean and African cultures tend to be more connected and free with their sexuality. You can see this by the styles of dance that come from these areas.

I wish for everyone, both men and women, to have a fun, free, joyous, open-ended exploration with their sexuality. Reckless and repressed are two sides of the same coin. One side reflects fighting against outside impositions, the other succumbing to them.

For me, the middle way has been looking within. I've had to blatantly ignore the committee in my head to find my own authenticity. This continues to require a lot of deconstructing, self-reflection, exploration, and quite frankly what's been recently called in a popular book -- "the subtle art of not giving a FXXX."

What I'm discovering is that my sexuality is something to be embraced, cherished, and honored. I'm finding that the more it's grounded in my authenticity, the more it flows in ways that are healthy and constructive to my life. And many of these have nothing to do with what's commonly labeled as "having sex."

All in all there's a fearlessness and freedom along with a greater clarity about my yes's and no's and a natural ease in honoring them.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Fun is not a four letter word

I asked one of my clients (very successful in business with all the outer trimmings of having made it) what he did for fun. After a bit of stammering, he muttered a couple of things that were more obligatory than genuine. I was prompted to ask him the question because frankly I know the remedy for many of his ailments would be reconnecting to his innate sense of joy and allowing that to take the lead more in his life. I know this because I've experienced it. My connection to what brings me joy was cut off early as I learned to conform so I could get approval or feel validated by others (most of whom were worlds away from their joy). I went through what you might call a fun wilderness where there was no fun to be found. I judged people who had fun, wrote them off as superficial, frivolous, and irresponsible. Meanwhile I was living a perfect life that was for the most part perfectly barren of vivacious, radiant, life-affirming joy! Pretty ironic considering Joy is my name - literally - Joy Alison - though I've always gone by Alison. It took some really turbulent experiences to nudge me (or maybe even shove me) back to fun, but finally I got the hint. And oh the satisfaction of reclaiming fun as a necessity rather than a luxury from a conscious place and with contrasting experiences to back me up! For me fun doesn't mean reckless, debaucherous, or irresponsible. It means balance, pleasure, and fulfilling responsibilities with a spirit of joy and lightheartedness as much as possible. It means tuning in to connect with what brings me joy and incorporating that into my life at all costs in whatever way I can NOW. 
#wholesouledwoman  #funisnotafourletterword

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Expansion over Conventional

I love supporting and witnessing a woman coming into her power and authenticity to such a degree that she has the ability to distinguish conditioning verses her essential nature and then makes choices based on the latter for perhaps the first time in her life!!! This is Whole-Souled living at its finest!

The Whole-Souled Woman doesn't seek to lock down a conventional life, rather she seeks to create a life conducive to her perpetual expansion.


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Whole-Souled Equilibrium

I've lost count of the number of times I've gone into a public restroom to find a woman in the stall next to me throwing up. The cultural imposition of body image upon women is so predominant. This makes one of the most natural and unique to every individual activities often fraught with anxiety and confusion for girls and women. Having been on both sides of the pendulum, I love envisioning and knowing it's within every woman's ability to feel good in her body, to enjoy eating, to embrace her sexuality, and to find her own unique balance with these intricately interwoven aspects of her identity.

This is one of the areas I love supporting girls, teens, and  women in through my coaching work...

The Whole-Souled Woman embodies equilibrium. Her psyche is intolerant of both excess and deficiency.


Sunday, September 10, 2017

Take yourself on a date

Do you ever take yourself on a date and notice what you love about being with yourself and how you like to be treated? It's so incredible to love your own company! Always remembering you cannot attract from others anything you don't give to yourself.

1. I don't rush me

2. I let myself order 5 things when I can't decide on one

3. I generously pay for everything

4. I open my door for me

5. I take delight in following random impulses that diverge from the original plan

6. I don't judge me when I break into dance or song in inappropriate places

7. I don't get jealous when I talk to other people or flirt with an attractive man

8. I let myself dance til the cows come home

9. I let myself know how much I appreciate me, the moment, and being alive

10. I don't expect anything from myself at the end of the night

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Cherish Your Desires

Only one who's lived my contrast would understand the delicious satisfaction of embodying this lesson. So suffice it to say I'm owning it like a MOFO! Hell yeah! YEEHAW! Hallelujah!
Feels so good!

The whole-souled woman practices cherishing her own desires above and beyond accommodating or conforming to someone else's.