Thursday, January 7, 2016

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

As long as I can love and see the 
beauty in others then I am beautiful.

So I noticed I was looking critically at the picture I posted yesterday. The little voice was calling attention to the lines in the middle of my forehead. I know, now you're going to look at them. It's ok. These are lines my husband had started commenting on. He was frequently putting his finger on my forehead reminding me to smooth out the lines. It shouldn't have come as a surprise to find that he had written about how he thought I was too old for him. He wanted younger, ethnic girls with dark hair and dark skin. He had also written very disrespectful, sexual things about many of my yoga teacher friends and colleagues, along with women from his office, businesses we frequented, the dog park, and on and on. It seems no person or place was sacred. While this was hurtful and hard to read, it didn't break me or make me doubt myself. It made me feel sorry for him. Had my self-worth been low, something like this could have easily sent me into a tailspin of self-loathing and self-doubt. This is why it's so important, especially for women, that we keep our sense of beauty in our own hands. If we don't, it gets shaped by others - mainly men - and we become a commodity who's value goes up or down depending on how we look or what other people think of us. Can we just get it once and for all that beauty is not about looks? I have so many beautiful friends and they are all shapes, sizes, colors, and features. No two are alike so how could beauty be about looks? It's not. One thing I've said before and I'll say again -- beauty is a verb, not a noun. It's in what we do and how we are, not in what we look like. When I'm loving, serving, and seeing the beauty in others and in life itself, I feel beautiful and I'm pretty sure that's all that matters. There are a lot of people who look really good walking around self-absorbed and miserable. That's not beauty. Thankfully I quickly caught myself and told that pesky little voice to take a hike. If that voice ever tempts you, I hope you'll do the same. Women need women who know and own their REAL beauty.

Alison Bristow
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #astavakrasana #eightanglepose #realbeauty #beautyisaverb

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