Friday, July 31, 2015

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

Beyond the mental constructs that comprise the physical world, it's easy to see that nobody ever really was a body.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga #dailylightwave #deeplistening

Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

Always ask:
Will this choice support my spiritual evolution?

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #dharma #aum #deeplistening #bigpicture

Monday, July 27, 2015

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

The more I cultivate balance on the inside, the more I experience balance on the outside.

(If you look closely you'll see my face is as red as my shirt after @1111jazz and I ran up this awesome trail. Beautiful view at the top and had Jason photograph my favorite meditation mudra for balance these days. One had on heart (ardha svabhava mudra) and other in gyan mudra. I do 5-30 minutes on one side and then switch - placing other leg on top and reverse the hands.)

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #balance #innerequilibrium #samanvayha #harmony #hatha #masculinefeminine #gyanmudra #svabhavamudra

Friday, July 24, 2015

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

Belief in the mind is the grand illusion from which all other illusions flow.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #grandillusion #mahamaya #trikonasana #trianglepose #spiritualascension

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

At every twist and turn Life is teaching me to be grateful for what is instead of lamenting over what isn't.

Alison Wilburn Lightwave Healing & Yoga #dailylightwave #padmemudra #lotusmudra #padmasana #lotuspose #gratitude #shraddha #faith #trust

Monday, July 20, 2015

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

The most advanced yoga pose is not necessarily the most deep or contorted; it's the one that embodies the greatest inner and outer equilibrium.

(Ps. I do have clothes on! Didn't intend for the pic to give the opposite impression.)

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #upavisthakonasana #sthirasukha #trueasana #balance #homeostasis #harmony #samanvayha

Saturday, July 18, 2015

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

Pure desire is the language your heart uses to communicate with your mind.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga #dailylightwave #parsvakonasana #puredesireisprayer #listen

Friday, July 17, 2015

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

Imagine all you'd be aware
of receiving in this moment
if you weren't pinching off
the flow through out worn
beliefs, opinions, and

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga #dailylightwave #dolphinposevariation #remember #receive #recognize

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

Cultivating discipline in stillness is as important as cultivating discipline in movement - perhaps more important.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga #dailylightwave #warrior2variation  #virabhadrasana2 #stillness #disciplineofstillness #prayer #meditation #dharana #dhyana #discipline #tapas #selfstudy #svadhyaya #8limbs

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

It's not what I'm afraid of, but the mind I'm afraid with that must be overcome.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga #dailylightwave #salambasarvangasana #supportedshoulderstand #fearnot #falseevidenceappearingreal #avidya #ignorance #maya #illusion

Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave💖

The mental energy of expectation, whether conscious or unconscious,
is a creative force that precedes and determines manifestation.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #expectationcreates #adhomukhasavasana #downwardfacingdog

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

Most question the original and accept what's common. Geniuses question the common and celebrate what's original.

(Sultan the feline yogi says "wrap your shoulder blades Alison and draw energy up through your palms. #workinprogress )

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga #dailylightwave #adhomukhavrksasanavariation #lshapedhandstand #original #noherdmentality #followyourinnercompass

Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

Creative expression is born in the doing of it, not in the thinking about doing it.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga #dailylightwave #maksikanagasana #dragonflypose #begin #creativeexpression

Friday, July 3, 2015

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

Learn to surf the waves of life instead of trying to make them go away.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #lifesurfer #surrender #resistless

Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

Your essence already knows more than your brain can ever learn.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga #dailylightwave #innatewisdom #samadhi #sadguru #innerteacher