Monday, July 27, 2015

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

The more I cultivate balance on the inside, the more I experience balance on the outside.

(If you look closely you'll see my face is as red as my shirt after @1111jazz and I ran up this awesome trail. Beautiful view at the top and had Jason photograph my favorite meditation mudra for balance these days. One had on heart (ardha svabhava mudra) and other in gyan mudra. I do 5-30 minutes on one side and then switch - placing other leg on top and reverse the hands.)

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #balance #innerequilibrium #samanvayha #harmony #hatha #masculinefeminine #gyanmudra #svabhavamudra

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