Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Tue Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results," wrote Albert Einstein. It's so true. How many times will I think that complaining, lamenting, anguish, despair, resignation will change something for the better? Like attracts like so I will always attract the phenomena that matches my mentality. I have to be willing to shift my mind even in the midst of what feels negative, bad, or wrong to me. If I wait for the circumstance to change I'll be waiting a very long time. Scriptural wisdom is always encouraging us to adopt new mental tones ~ a mustard seed of faith, love, non attachment (#aparigraha), exchange negative thoughts for positive (#pratipakshabhavanam), moderation, and the list goes on. Mental states have a tangible resonant vibration that reaches far beyond us, calling in its match, whether that be what we want or don't want. When we get quiet enough we can feel beneath our thoughts to discern that tone and shift it. This is an aspect of mental mastery.

Low vibrational mentality can never create high vibrational experiences.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga #dailylightwave #utthitahastasana #tadasana #yogaoutdoors
#yoga #trailyoga #rockypeak #yogachallenge #beyondasana #theshift #higherconsciousness #samadhi #liberation #mentalmastery #yama #niyama #scripture #beattitudes #sagewisdom #theshiftzone

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