Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

"Pray backwards." These were the words that immediately came to mind when I looked at this picture. My hands are in reverse prayer, aka reverse namaste, or pashchima namaskara, all meaning hands in prayer behind the back. The idea of praying backwards I realized was describing in a very succinct way, how I'd been taught to pray from the earliest time I can remember. Though it takes a lifetime or more to  consistently practice this kind of prayer. It's the prayer of acknowledgement rather than pleading; of recognizing and accepting what's already there even if your eyes can't see it yet; it's bringing your mind into a likeness to what you desire so you can recognize it in visible form; it's a humble yielding of attachment to the physical senses (pratyahara), which negate the presence of what you desire. Jesus referred to this when he spoke of believing that you already have something and it will be yours (Matt. 11). Abraham Hicks speaks of this kind of prayer in terms of being a vibrational match for your desire. This progressive prayer is definitely the reverse of being a have not pleading with a far off god. Counterintuitive as it may be, It empowers us with the awareness of  already having because we do.

Pray backwards.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #reverseprayer #reverseanjalimudra #pashchimanamaskar #praybackwards #jesus #scripture #eastmeetswest #yogi #pratyahara #practiceyoga #yogachallenge #praywithoutceasing #bible #yogasutras #scripturesintersect #yogalife #Namaste #abrahamhicks #progressiveprayer

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