Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

The guidance, wisdom, and inspiration we need live right within us. Sometimes it's easy to want to just run away and escape certain situations. But if we can resist that temptation and instead find a way to get still, quiet, and listen, there will be less back tracking later. In Native American traditions, Inward is one of the seven sacred directions. That's so cool! That invites us to turn inward with the same respect and awe that we would if we were walking into a sacred temple or any other holy place. Never under estimate the power and potential of his practice. Make it your first destination rather than a last resort ~ especially during difficult times.

When times are tough, don't check out. Check in.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga #dailylightwave #inward #lookwithin #beyourownguru #pratyahara #dharana #dhyana #8limbs #yogalife #yogicpath #yogi #trailyoga #natureteaches #baddhakonasana #boundanglepose

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