Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave

Today's message should be called the daily LATEwave! But better LIGHT than never right?! Haha :) It came to me yesterday as I was observing the cloud show in the sky. It's been percolating ever since. The idea of levitation started to come to me and I envisioned floating above the clouds. When I made it out onto the trail today, it was as if nature set the scene perfectly! I couldn't make it into full lotus with my 10 second timer and jagged rocks, but you get the picture. Also not shown is the Asian man with walking sticks who was telling me about his strong heart -- so fun! This past week I was powerfully reminded that clarity cannot be found inside the mental clouds of anger, fear, resentment and the like. It takes a radical shift from the inside and a rising beyond brain-level awareness to see the clouds for what they are and experience the Self as separate from them. Ralph Waldo Emerson in his essay called "The Over-Soul," wrote: " be able to discern that what is true is true, and that what is false is false, this is the mark of intelligence." Inside the clouds, it seems like that's all there is to the sky. Inside our own facade of personality, it feels like there's nothing else and that's just who we are. As we find a way to access the clear skies outside the clouds by connecting our human consciousness to it's divine Source, a radical inside-out shift takes place. Some might call this Christ-healing or Christ-consciousness. It's written about in the earliest texts from all traditions. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali describe it this way: "By the practice of samyama on the spiritual heart, complete knowledge of the mind, its vacillations, and the whole range of one's thought is given." Samyama very basically means perfect control of the mind and describes the combined practice of the final 3 limbs of the 8 limb path of yoga - Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi. This is advanced yoga! It's what many people spend decades on a therapist's couch trying to figure out -- I'm not knocking that at all by the way. I've spent my time there too, but I do feel there can be other and even better ways and this to me describes one of them. Once you can distinguish the true you (the sky) from the clouds (personality/ego), you can never be fooled by those clouds again! This is advanced YOGA.

Clarity exists beyond the clouds ~ not within them. When the clouds pass, only the sky remains.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
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