Friday, November 14, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

You have to know your innocence to prove it. That doesn't mean there aren't some layers to peel back, but knowing the pristine original is already there gives courage to carry on when tempted to give up. Innocence is way more original than the concept of sin. Sin is such a heavy bad word these days thanks to dogmatic theology and amorality. Sin means to miss the mark literally. Any behavior or mental state that pulls us from our true nature (the Atman in yogic terms) is a sin then. KOBut the true nature is there all the while and it is what's REAL about us. This isn't a copout from doing the work, but a reassuring awareness as we do it. (Thanks @talie_b for getting this picture!)

Original innocence is your birthright.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #originalinnocence #downwithdogma #unoriginalsin #downwarddogsplit #trailyoga #backbonetrail #atman #truenature #yogi #yogicpath #havecourage

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