Monday, September 29, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

Today's message is inspired by an experience I had yesterday. My husband and I had just left an enlivening conversation about making a difference in the world. Part of the discussion centered on the homeless in America. This is a topic we revisit often because we have differing ideas. Jason has tremendous compassion, whereas I have a residue of cynicism left from my days in New York city. Yesterday's conversation stirred something in me. When we left and approached the stoplight at the off ramp, there sat a man with a sign "HELP." I headed my habitual reaction off at the pass, and instead just allowed myself to really see him. My husband gave him $10 and long after the window was closed I let my eyes linger on him - thick silver hair, one eye that needed healing, and a soft face. My heart just opened and tears streamed down my cheeks all the way to our destination. I realized that my closed heart toward the homeless has been a protection from feeling, feeling helpless, hopeless, and sad. I know this kind of sympathy that gets trapped in sadness isn't powerful to make a difference, but neither is a closed heart with no compassion. Somewhere between the two lies a middle ground of positive change and the open heart opens the door to inspired action. This is true for all situations where the initial reaction is to hold the heart hostage in an armored cell of judgment.

Every tendency to react with harsh judgment can be used to open the heart to intense love.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #openheart #heartopener #compassion #love #homeless #wheelpose #stayopen

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